The strike of journalists (which goes all my sympathy and solidarity) has meant that my father went to withdrawal symptoms editorial ... so, having to buy a newspaper and wandering restlessly for newsagents in Italy has at last arrived at a shocking decision: what are the only newspapers that come out even if there is a strike? Those of the master. So that bought "Il Giornale".
I can assure you that it is a reading that must occur at least once in their life because it is a great mine of information manipulation and pseudo-Catholic statements and simplistic, but especially for some truly hilarious articles.
But let us.
On the front page is a box called "memo" titled "Something has changed "and nice (at least today, then I do not know) from such a Filippo Facci (please do not ask me to investigate him, I would like to avoid being disgusted) that has nothing to envy Cornacchione. The problem is that I do is serious .
Here is the article on minimally acceptable, but 90% to creepy
"Where are the barricades? Where are the road deaths, assaults to food, interviews Tg3 the middle class hungry and desperate to the merchant? Where is the relationship Eurispes number three thousand? Where is the climate of anxiety Ballarò with services retirees who sleep on park benches? Yet Christmas is even worse than that last year recorded Hell is a media, a Christmas tree cost 27 € instead of 25, a garland € 3 instead of 2, colored balls plus 5 percent, 8 percent more Bamble, designer bags plus 9, weekend in Italy more than 4.5, more skiing 2.6: Where is the Courier? Where are the investigations by Dario Di Vico? Codacons says that consumption fall by 5 percent and 80 percent of leaves in the thirteenth and insurance bills and mortgage payments, says the Concommercio set the consumption of salmon and caviar and champagne (minus 6) not to mention the exotic vacations: legions of impoverished families migrate to the Red Sea and leave the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean, the bridge All Saints had already been registered 27 percent fewer admissions, where are the newspapers? Where is the investigation on children at the fourth week no longer have milk or cake to dip? Where is that last year Tg3 dilanciò the 'Christmas without any presents' on 12, 19, 22, 23, 25 and 26 December? Where, where are you? C 'anything changed? What?
Assuming that this gentleman has a concept of journalism a bit 'special (in fact for him the investigations should be remade every year and should be called every time the same things), I might say also that there are some hints ridiculous that there's almost insane, like designer bags on the pitch, or maybe the one on caviar and exotic vacations, but that especially when he talks about how much this and that (which might be an interesting thing to write, if well documented) does not cite sources (except when it comes to luxury goods, as it happens), who gave you these figures? You took them in stores? What stores? How many stores? You're talking about items of "brand" or objects of "brand"? The figures in the last year have you pinned on a paper towel? he could be the dealer to garlands of example and to gain something more has increased the price by 50% in its exercise. But this is only an extreme case. In addition, the tg3 by definition is unable to do a "media hell" (as the look in 6 people around Italy), considering that the other 5 national news showed a beautiful world, cheerful, made of good, peace and fraternity with President Bush that gave the sweets to poor children and the very Italian ex-premier master-worker president-Napoleon-Jesus Christ-entertainer-singer-actor-playboy-striker-coach who showed around his happy grin ...
I also invite you to reflect on the champagne, weekends, trips, designer bags, and then you wonder if you understand what I mean by "the newspapers of the master."
Hello and prox
Merry Christmas to all, good and bad, with much love and belches, possibly without broken glass.
PS: I have an idea to help journalists in their strike. Simply send a letter to major newspapers saying that if you do not renew the contract for journalists not to buy their newspaper overloaded with advertising. In case of failure, you expect the next strike by journalists, and once finished, you should not buy the paper more.