missing from a lot on the blog, right? Poor man, I almost abandoned ... anyway I hope to write something more and I will not do my usual tedious introductions.
So let's go on:
Today we speak of the 'butterfly effect. "
I know, it sounds better in English: "Butterfly effect".
It 's also the title of a film focusing on this effect.
But exactly, what are we talking about?
It comes in handy for the definition wikipedia encyclopedia, describing it as the expression itself that acchiude the more technical notion of sensitive dependence on and proposing some initial conditions such as:
"The movement of a single electron to a billionth of a centimeter at a given time, could mean the difference between two very different events, like the killing of a man a year later, because of an avalanche, or its salvation "sentence of Alan Turing, is an essay of 1950.
According to Lorenz, but "the beat of a butterfly's wings in China can cause a hurricane in America" \u200b\u200bsound bite from which it derives its name.
But we want to go further, right?
not talking about electrons and micro-physics, but we talk about macroscopic events, choices, of possibilities, we talk about actions that may change or disrupt the existence, not only of individuals but of the world.
The movie "The Butterfly Effect" is about a guy who has the unenviable ability to change his past, changing events, but any change will cause side effects in the present.
Remaining in the field of science fiction, I would cite as "The Time Machine, in which the possibility of changing the past is precluded by a kind of self-defense system and space. If we could turn back time our past can not be changed even in its minimal element, you could create a butterfly effect that would prevent us from creating our own time machine. Which is absurd. The system therefore preserves its uniqueness and rationality.
to return a bit 'to reality and talk butterfly effect, strictly speaking it is not verifiable, or modeling, so it can be used only at the conceptual level, to understand that the weather (for example). Is not an exact science and that is heavily influenced by chaos theory.
So why I wrote this?
Perhaps it is possible in our daily experience and consider the possible size of a butterfly effect.
Have you ever tried to think about some trivial aspect of your life or your behavior that might have led to unimaginable consequences? Have you ever noticed how sometimes even a word spoken, or worse yet the way it was told to amend a report, a friendship or something else?
The butterfly effect, in practice, in science as in love life empowers us and yet makes us feel powerless.
We feel obliged to evaluate each variable minimum because "it is already quite messy," but suggests that "it is too messy to be understood."
Bah, oh well ... also concluded that other article delusional
Bye and prox
PS: The image is of a "Lorenz attractor" that supposedly inspired the nomenclature of "butterfly effect"