I woke up, and after all this time I felt happy again.
must have been a Wednesday, and Darius I'd been to Playa, and while I was back I had met a fantastic girl. "Really nice" was my first thought, "I know ..." was my first idea, but the thinking part of my brain went on strike at that point he had stopped working, with the heart wildly I approached her, watched her black hair flowing gracefully and confused in the night on his bare shoulders and his eyes beautiful that was lost in the dark, but I had not noticed that her eyes were shiny. I think I have given you to speak with a silly phrase, something like "Sorry, I can bother ?"... 5 minutes I thought that he would send me to hell, but it was different from what I thought. Not only did not send me to hell, but we talked for a few pleasant minutes before saying goodbye, he had tears in his eyes and was a bit 'confused, I did not understand why, but I realized it was a very sensitive person, I wanted to know better, to understand it. But my house keys and I could not stay away too long from other ... unfortunately.
The evening, which until then had passed in the best way, But more surprises in store for me.
I decided it was time for a drink and then went back to the apartment with Dario, a nearly full moon lit up my feet to the south and I felt that feeling "cozy" that follows the first shot, although I did not even drink a beer and I felt good.
From a distance we noticed that the light was on in the apartment.
"But you can not I have the keys." "Maybe we left it on before ...".
The light went out.
"Oh crap."
We came quietly to the landing. I opened the door e. .. silence. There was really no one.
We remembered the reason for our return home we were there for a drink and then we went into the kitchen, we approached the cabinet used as a bar, and Darius was about to take the gin ... but was not there, had disappeared, no, no, no, it was moved, was on the kitchen and the level was significantly lower.
"Who did it, in the Name of God".
, "I am In my name!" was a melodious voice and off-key at the same time, a cross between Robert Plant and Bob Dylan, a voice that embraces all, it was ... the alpha and omega of the sound. He turned the light in the room and Vincent Peppe and felt tired and heavy footsteps coming towards us.
We were on the balcony and a slight breeze invigorating rub our faces at the same time small outbreaks turned east, passed a falling star and my eye was caught, then I looked again in the apartment: a man in his fifties, high, High, had come to the window that looked out on the balcony and we could finally see the his features. He had an old worn jeans, who was wearing who knows how many centuries, and a black T-shirt bought at a concert of Led Zeppelin, with "Stairway to Heaven" with a scale that was drawn up into the sky. He must have had a rather angular face and tired, but the reflections and shadows caused by the ghostly light of the moon smooth edges and softened his features. Dario
looked into my eyes and there was quite clear in an instant
"You God "
The words came from my mouth, but the mechanical feel alienated, as if I had not given me.
" Well, at least we saved the presentation ... "
I remembered reading a story about a guy who had met God and he did not know what to say, I drank a little 'wine together and had smoked three joints, then he was gone away happy. We did not have the barrel, or wine, we only had half a bottle of Gin and almost a whole bottle Whisky. I reflected on the fact that more and pretend to be an intellectual, I give myself the airs of a philosopher, but I had nothing to ask Dio.Strana life.
"What comes after death?"
The question was not dry made by me as it would be reasonable thinking, nor by Darius. It was him
"Come on, guys, you think what comes after death?". Dario
response was prompt and irreverent.
"I do not mean death but after drinking a glass ... nothing personal, God, but you do not touch it, you already own." He took the
Gin, poured a bit 'in a plastic cup for him and a finger to me, and began to sip it slowly.
God was there watching us, astonished, but without saying a word.
When I took the glasses were empty words.
"I believe that there is no hell nor purgatory ... I think there is only Heaven and there if no one has to go too badly. But why do you ask? Do you have a midlife crisis? Or if you want to kill you? "
His hysterical laughter was loud and echoed through the apartment, ringing in the ears.
Neapolitan took the cards that were in a corner of the table and began to shuffle nervously.
" Yes, I thought about call it quits, but I could not find a painless solution ... and I will not bore you here about why. And then you know why they are depressed, you've already read the story of the guy I've known a few years ago. "
" But you are not yet final? "
" How could it? "Her voice began to tremble, it was not more harmonious and safe as in the beginning, maybe it was even older. "No, I do not has passed. You know, it's hard when you have no one to turn to pray, to ask for help or to get a placebo.
Dario looked at me, we exchanged a nod and he poured a bit 'of gin.
God nodded thank him and began distributing the cards. "threesome?".
"Ok. Not the best, but it is still something. Let that person becoming drunk, okay? "
Dario promptly responded yes. God emptied his glass, looked at the bottom where flickered one last drop of gin and he agreed.
The first game was a disaster, it seemed that he knew exactly cards that we had in hand and also the fact that we played. He made the four points of regulation and two brooms. Dario and I split up a drink there.
The second was even worse. Seven points in total. Dario and I drank more.
Then he revived the thinking part of my brain, now dormant for some time and perhaps offended pride, and I said that was not true that the cards seemed to know that we had in hand and played as we did. He was sure. Well, all in all it was still God
I threw the cards on the table angrily.
"I'll play more with you if you do not stop cheating. Now, to pledge up to you to drink ...". Colmai the glass to the brim and he drained in less than no time, he was probably waiting for me to do such a thing, because the next game was more equal I won and I, in God, the third Dario.
began to be uninhibited, and while we were playing we were talking about this and that.
Our future plans, expectations, plans and hopes. God seemed to have confused most of my ideas in this area and suddenly I understood why it was so sad.
"You are alone, that's the truth. You're not depressed because you will not be a good, why do you believe everything that is wrong, but because you're so alone. Go all eternity in the company of themselves must be bad. .. you get to know each other too well and you end up with the hate. And then you can not really love ... Of course we all love as your children, you love Jesus and Muhammad as beloved children, but ... I do not think there is a Goddess, or something no? "
He emptied the last glass of gin, then said
" Yes, I am alone. I have no one to share Existence. I have no real friends, no one in this world is able to listen to, everyone wants to tell me their problems, but nobody wants to hear mine.
Also, you're right ... perhaps there is a Goddess. My precursors Greeks and Romans were happy people, made merry and were in good company, even though they were capable of loving. They were too land. Love is not feeling the ground. "
we offered of Chivas, a good whiskey, but he refused politely, and said that gave him stomach acidity and had already tipsy enough for the gin. Really starts to Starmie nice, pity only that he did not like the Whisky.
"You are engaged?" he asked.
Dario said, "Yes, I, as you know, I said" No. .. I've seen in the face God? The girls of today think only the physical aspect ... who never got engaged with me? ". He frowned, then said, "Do not despair, as the saying goes? Ah yes, God's ways are endless, right?".
This time we all laughed with great taste, and Darius gave him a pat on the shoulder.
God began to cough and turned his face purple, his face assumed a strange yellowish Dario and I feel fortunate for not having seen my ... we were killing God?
Then suddenly her cough ceased and began again to laugh "Ha ha ha ... we are ... we are fooled! I knew that I would have to be an actor ...". I wanted to pull his fist straight in the face, but in the end was nice, and then a punch to the Almighty could have had some bad consequences.
He talked with us for a bit 'of time until two o'clock or so, when he realized they were about to return to our friends.
has told and listened to what we had to say. Then he asked us to promise not to reveal anything that told us to let off steam e. .. "I swear to God!" Dario said. We laughed out loud and
loabbracciammo It was warm and reassuring. We stayed
silent for a moment, staring at the only cloud that broke the monotony of the sky starting August.
The moon was now very high on us and threw our shadows a few inches from our bodies. It seemed that someone had awkwardly tried to draw our boundaries with a piece of charcoal on the floor, and then, weakened by the hard work he gave up by not yet complete.
Small outbreaks of fire on the hill in front of faded and in their place were born small coils of smoke rose slowly but inexorably towards the sky, patting greyish paint the scorched earth that had once covered green and now towered against the blue sky as the belly of a giant dead. I thought the girl I had known.
His eyes were shiny. He told me he had recently broken up with her boyfriend. I linked. It had to be in love, otherwise it could not be so bad.
I turned to tell the Lord, but was no longer there. Darius was sleeping and going, you probably stumbled our unusual visitor was overthrown in glass bottles that we had in the corner.
I had not noticed anything. I must have fallen asleep myself and I could not say goodbye.
I came back to mind a phrase:
"you're right ... maybe there is a Goddess.". Maybe? He is omniscient ... but can not say "maybe".
I laughed so hard I had stomach pain. God was in love and had been disappointed, alcohol makes you forget for a bit 'of what happened, but if its effect wears off you're worse off than before. He had gone without saying goodbye to not to grieve and do not ruin the wonderful evening we had spent.
So I did something that I was not so long.
This gesture made me feel better, because I felt almost "intimate" with God I told him I'm not good at giving advice, but if you needed someone I was always at his disposal and did not want anything in return.
Then my frenzy reached its climax: I asked him if he had MSN.
And he answered me. He said no. He hates and hates Microsoft MSN ... a maximum he could give me your e-mail.
I thanked him. I saw another
shooting star and I fell asleep.
I had one last thought before falling into the arms of Morpheus, a thought that made me smile.
"God likes gin, but not whiskey. Now that we finished the gin is difficult for him to end up back at home."
All the lights went out in the world and I slept a long time.
The first rays of the sun told the world that the night was over and that another day was beginning.
I woke up, and after all this time I felt happy again.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Shadow Copy Error 80042306 -ntbackup
It's Been a Long John
It's Been a Long John, guys.
But what does this mean? Well, let's say that John can also be read as a Journey, and so has more effect, but then, John and why not journey? Who is John?
The question that captures the full essence of the situation is, rather, what is John.
John was our companion, our friend, and at times has been a matter of dispute, but has remained loyal and stood upright in any difficulties.
Long John is an ice cream.
Yes, you're right, I'm giving out the crazy, I'm just talking about an ice cream, I authorize you to make bad comment on my state of mental health.
How I met John? The first night of our vacation, I was sitting at the bar "La Playa" looking at anything (favorite sport of most of us) when I finally decided to have to move, I would have dragged heavily my weary limbs up to the bar and I got an ice cream, a nice refreshing ice cream that I would call in the sixth, seventh and even eighth, while we're at. He was there waiting for me. His image stood out over all others and he called me, his phallic-like form, while it was repellent, the other ancestral feelings evoked in me that wanted to come out and explode, was now too late to pull back, it was become a matter of pride: I had to accept the challenge or succumb.
The battle, however, proved much less difficult than expected.
When John fell into my hands, proved docile, was left to eat without resistance and above it was damn good and refreshing, we found (not too reluctantly) that is addictive, because we no longer could do without, but it certainly was a great ice cream.
John was the first thing about where we came and I was deeply attached, because after all the first thing an interesting experience started from scratch, will remain imprinted.
course then there were others, many others, and I kept a diary to write the whole mass of stupid things that happened, and the strange people we knew (in fact we had a magnet seems to us strange people .. .), but the starting point was this. My name
John, Long John. (To be read aloud, with majestic tone)
To be honest, though, I expected better, I wanted to know some other person.
But those we met were all on their way a little 'special' (I will spend the poetic license).
From strange guy lover Jerry Cala.
We met on the beach, after a game and even then it seemed a bit 'mysterious, and its archaic language that is rooted in the subconscious directly, often bypassing consciousness was sometimes incomprehensible, and many of the concepts he expressed were not necessarily clear, but it proved to be self-evident since from the first moment when you talk about music's eyes lit up. He loved Oasis, those of Bari, though. And despite Bari did not know to translate what they said.
And then on his MP3 player, there were "many other musicians, as Diego Abatantuono, Jerry Cala and last but not least: Emilio.
launched a poll: who the hell is Emily?
I only know that from that moment on, the name of our weird became Emilio (the new name was another, but the little man for privacy), also known as "our problem is six feet tall" or more affectionately as "the absolute evil. "
Unfortunately (?) Party on Sunday evening and we could not further his knowledge, but it would be He returned Friday night, with his brother, a nice guy and intelligent, which will have a key role in this story.
I would also like to mention another person.
A nice guy with a little 'mental retardation, which made him open and sociable, even if it prevented him from being a mathematician. Are we sure? I've got some doubts. Other
game drink at the bar "La Playa".
We had to roll a ball along two threads stretched and drop it in a glass of water underneath them, with two attempts available to everyone.
"I think this lady here will form two three, or a" shocking were the words I had uttered at the end of which, our (We'll call Claudio) turns around and says' It is true. "
E 'was disconcerting.
operations are not in form, either conceptually or practically difficult, but know we must have done advanced studies, as they are not used very frequently, and my transaction was fair, because "it is true that 3 mod 2 = 1 and I am sure "It is true" must be completed in the mind of Claudius who knows what mysterious reason, but so much so that that there, at that precise moment was simply surreal. But it would be precipitated
Our next step was to take the shuttle to return to the apartment. Obviously
Claudio was there. He asks us something
about a new backpack (or perhaps a new shuttle, the interpretations are contradictory) - meanwhile the driver of the bus had climbed on board - then I ask, "Where is Michael?".
Now, who is Michael?
will be his imaginary friend, I thought, so I answered as if I had done a perfectly normal question and my answer was a very normal, "Michele?" I think he's at home. "
Meanwhile, our trip was over and pick up all (or almost) the driver had greeted by name.
It took me a bit 'Gin Lemon (made with real lemons), to unravel the mystery: Michael is the driver of the shuttle.
Revelation, while it was illuminating the other was humiliating.
Claudio (whose name had become meanwhile "Michele"
I had a simple question and sensible, but I think it was a little 'late' (excuse the brutality, read it in the sense sweet) I thought it was a stupid question and I laughed. Arguably, however, he must have thought that I was an idiot
. Wow, you did not see Michael go? Who do you think is driving the shuttle?
Well, I just have to wish Emily and Michael a good continuous holiday, no? There
sn other great people I've known (two in particular), but is not considered in greater depth in this post here ... I do not have much to do with Michael and Emily!
to proxX

It's Been a Long John, guys.
But what does this mean? Well, let's say that John can also be read as a Journey, and so has more effect, but then, John and why not journey? Who is John?
The question that captures the full essence of the situation is, rather, what is John.
John was our companion, our friend, and at times has been a matter of dispute, but has remained loyal and stood upright in any difficulties.
Long John is an ice cream.
Yes, you're right, I'm giving out the crazy, I'm just talking about an ice cream, I authorize you to make bad comment on my state of mental health.
How I met John? The first night of our vacation, I was sitting at the bar "La Playa" looking at anything (favorite sport of most of us) when I finally decided to have to move, I would have dragged heavily my weary limbs up to the bar and I got an ice cream, a nice refreshing ice cream that I would call in the sixth, seventh and even eighth, while we're at. He was there waiting for me. His image stood out over all others and he called me, his phallic-like form, while it was repellent, the other ancestral feelings evoked in me that wanted to come out and explode, was now too late to pull back, it was become a matter of pride: I had to accept the challenge or succumb.
The battle, however, proved much less difficult than expected.
When John fell into my hands, proved docile, was left to eat without resistance and above it was damn good and refreshing, we found (not too reluctantly) that is addictive, because we no longer could do without, but it certainly was a great ice cream.
John was the first thing about where we came and I was deeply attached, because after all the first thing an interesting experience started from scratch, will remain imprinted.
course then there were others, many others, and I kept a diary to write the whole mass of stupid things that happened, and the strange people we knew (in fact we had a magnet seems to us strange people .. .), but the starting point was this. My name
John, Long John. (To be read aloud, with majestic tone)
To be honest, though, I expected better, I wanted to know some other person.
But those we met were all on their way a little 'special' (I will spend the poetic license).
From strange guy lover Jerry Cala.
We met on the beach, after a game and even then it seemed a bit 'mysterious, and its archaic language that is rooted in the subconscious directly, often bypassing consciousness was sometimes incomprehensible, and many of the concepts he expressed were not necessarily clear, but it proved to be self-evident since from the first moment when you talk about music's eyes lit up. He loved Oasis, those of Bari, though. And despite Bari did not know to translate what they said.
And then on his MP3 player, there were "many other musicians, as Diego Abatantuono, Jerry Cala and last but not least: Emilio.
launched a poll: who the hell is Emily?
I only know that from that moment on, the name of our weird became Emilio (the new name was another, but the little man for privacy), also known as "our problem is six feet tall" or more affectionately as "the absolute evil. "
Unfortunately (?) Party on Sunday evening and we could not further his knowledge, but it would be He returned Friday night, with his brother, a nice guy and intelligent, which will have a key role in this story.
I would also like to mention another person.
A nice guy with a little 'mental retardation, which made him open and sociable, even if it prevented him from being a mathematician. Are we sure? I've got some doubts. Other
game drink at the bar "La Playa".
We had to roll a ball along two threads stretched and drop it in a glass of water underneath them, with two attempts available to everyone.
"I think this lady here will form two three, or a" shocking were the words I had uttered at the end of which, our (We'll call Claudio) turns around and says' It is true. "
E 'was disconcerting.
operations are not in form, either conceptually or practically difficult, but know we must have done advanced studies, as they are not used very frequently, and my transaction was fair, because "it is true that 3 mod 2 = 1 and I am sure "It is true" must be completed in the mind of Claudius who knows what mysterious reason, but so much so that that there, at that precise moment was simply surreal. But it would be precipitated
Our next step was to take the shuttle to return to the apartment. Obviously
Claudio was there. He asks us something
about a new backpack (or perhaps a new shuttle, the interpretations are contradictory) - meanwhile the driver of the bus had climbed on board - then I ask, "Where is Michael?".
Now, who is Michael?
will be his imaginary friend, I thought, so I answered as if I had done a perfectly normal question and my answer was a very normal, "Michele?" I think he's at home. "
Meanwhile, our trip was over and pick up all (or almost) the driver had greeted by name.
It took me a bit 'Gin Lemon (made with real lemons), to unravel the mystery: Michael is the driver of the shuttle.
Revelation, while it was illuminating the other was humiliating.
Claudio (whose name had become meanwhile "Michele"
Well, I just have to wish Emily and Michael a good continuous holiday, no? There
sn other great people I've known (two in particular), but is not considered in greater depth in this post here ... I do not have much to do with Michael and Emily!
to proxX
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