"I do not want, according to the formula of Georges Bataille, 'the existence postpone until later'.
are careful to your presence as our beginning and I'd let you sentire.Mi have given everything in your life and everything about you: I wish I could give everything to me during the time we have left.
You have just turned 82 years old.
're always beautiful, elegant and desirable. We live together for 58 years and I love you more than mai.Recentemente I fell in love again and you carry within me a devouring emptiness that fills only your body pressed against the mio.La night I sometimes see the profile of a man on and an empty road in a deserted landscape, walking behind a hearse. This man is me. You take away the coffin. I do not want to attend your cremation: I do not want to receive a vase with your ashes ... I watch your breath, my hands touch you. Each one of us would like not having to survive the death of the other. We have often said that if, ironically, had a second life, we would like to pass it along "
(excerpt from" Letter to a D. Histoire d'amour by André Gorz)
André and Dorine (to which the D. the letter is addressed) died a few days. The story, letter, from which he was taken to the song above was written about a year ago. He, 84, existentialist philosopher Sartre school her 83 years , his companion for three quarters of his life, crossed with the thin threshold that acts as a shield to our weak reality.
A friend, not having heard from a little ', went to their house to talk with the ancient philosopher and test the conditions of his wife, who suffers from a severe illness evolving to where it was superimposed with cancer.
"At the door they had left a sign: 'Feel the police'.'s Friend saw him and sounded the alarm: the bodies of the philosopher André Gorz and his wife Dorine rested side by side. They put in place what they wanted: to die together after nearly sixty years of common life. "
(The quotation marks are taken from "the Republic" today, Giampiero Martinotti article, the rest is freely diadattato from the same source)
's useless, I think, to write as a good film at the end of the phrase "taken from a true story, "because this story is not too romantic to be true. A writer would never dream of inventing a story like this, because it would be too implausible. And that's why upsets, in all its unnatural naturalness. Farewell