missing from a lot from the blog, but the university took away my free time and has undermined my creativity (we can also say that I have the "writer's block" or better, tell me "writer's block") and it's not that I really want to write ... hot, crazy politicians, the Pope in Australia, phew, things are so repetitive ...
However, this morning looking through the paper I was raised a question.
Dear young Italian and foreign, are you aware that the tool with the shape of a solid ellipsoid (approximately), which is located between the two ears is for something besides being a blackboard to attack the ears and the other sense organs? If you have not understood the question that I did, maybe we should let go of, change the blog, and feel a Tunz Tunz little, maybe while you make pictures in the mirror convinced to be cool or chissacosa.
In any case, I digress (as is typical of my style) and get direct to the point: "So."
learned at the tender age of 4 years that alcohol is bad.
I've learned with a field test (it took a while 'before they drank very well), but I learned why everyone said, even television (The Discovery Channel was certain, so do not exactly Bim Bum Bam, but was still on TV, right?) and what the television tells us telefedeli is law. Ergo (which therefore means), one should not drink,
because there are so many side effects: switching from a state of tachycardia and excitement to a state of hallucinosis light, if he managed to drink without vomiting so you could get to the "delirium tremens" (see the elephants and red bats), only in rare cases you get to slam on the floor in the throes of convulsions or maybe it is finished in a coma.
But these side effects are not so ugly, no? All in all, every now and then, seeing an elephant that flies is not bad (that may be of concern is the color red, but it flies), or maybe the little voices that speak to you in the head like Jack Sparrow are also funny and make you scompisciare. .. and then you have to drink very much to slam on the ground.
But as I usually say, each is the master of their lives, and objectively count the red elephants is more fun than counting sheep before going to sleep, then a (in) sane drunk [b] sometimes [/ b] you can do well. I stress all the time because maybe I forgot to mention that alcohol is a very powerful drug and is addictive, as well as addiction, and in a short time you begin to see the entire zoo with flying colors the most unlikely (I thought a penguin pistachio green, fluorescent yellow or a dolphin ...).
But the question I had asked me (or, in short, if you are conscious of the fact that the head need to think beyond that to eat) was due to another type of drug. What is emphatically called ecstasy (mah), which is not a drug "complicated" that requires special equipment (you have to pull cocaine munirti mirror to smoke have to take the trouble to put it all together and roll, to let a heroin ... well you know) but it is a simple easy to swallow pills that are more or less voluntarily.
What is ecstasy? Well, within half an hour (sequential effects) you will feel as strong as lions (which are actually animals very floppy), you will begin to roar and dance wildly for 3 or 4 hours without stopping, you will lose your inhibitions, you will a slight alteration of sensory, have hypertension, tachycardia, dilated pupils, moodiness, hostility, paranoia, depression, suicidal thoughts, disorders of the definition of self (this was beautiful, I could not omit it), insomnia, exhaustion ... One could go on much longer.
I think you realize that ingest a tablet of the above can be quite dangerous (although the "disease of the definition of self" may be a bad thing ...) and threatens your life, not so much for eminently physical damage (apart from killing some neurons, the muscles tense up and cause severe hypertension, or rare cases of sudden death from cardiac syncope in the end ... the university does not do much worse ;-)) but also for the consequences psychic door.
In addition you must consider the combined effect was that the ecstasy with alcohol (heck if you go to the disco, say you do not even drink a shot ... but it should be!) Which can lead to sudden disturbances in the rhythm failure or cardiac arrest, massive increase in body temperature due to paralysis of the brain temperature regolazionedella, spontaneous clotting of the blood vessels that causes obstruction of blood vessels, muscle breakdown, et cetera.
What I want to do is not make the sermon. I just want to make you realize that you risk making a bad end.
course, I will answer you live and die once. I agree and that is why I kept the last one of the most disturbing effects of these two drugs (Extasy and alcohol): Impotence and loss of sexual desire.
If you are not afraid of death (or rather, you are so afraid of death that you want to show everyone that you do not have, challenging, but you can feel the smell coming from your pants: you're shitting below) be afraid of this: if survive your life will be hell.
Ideally you'll never have a satisfying sexual relationship, you probably can not just have more sex because they do not want it, you will live in states of schizophrenia and despair, interspersed with flashbacks that remind you how you were rocking when you were stoned. Your life will seem like a disgusting, and in fact it will be, but you will not be abandoned with the lack of memory and inability of the merger, with strong likelihood of contracting Parkinson's disease at age 25.
And then, if you do not do it for you, do it for your partner! What the heck!
I hope I've done a little 'thinking and I hope to see you all happy and powerful (which is the opposite of powerful powerless).
If I am successful in my view it means that your head not only serves to embellish the neck, but has some real practical functionality. Thanks for reading
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bibani88 The