February. Indeed, almost in March to tell the truth. It 's been the All Star Game, and spent the night of the Oscars. It 's been the winter (yes, in Texas who is an advantage).
six months have passed, but I will not start now to make budgets because they are annoying and pathetic. If ever there is a will in the end, before returning to the homeland. Now there is. Now there is that people do not want more of where you are and be clear, not because you speak like them, but because by now everyone knows that you are Italian, even before you open your mouth. Many who in the past month I have asked "Are you ready to go back?" received a curt: "Nope." It said it had reached a certain point (and take what is written on this blog very cheerfully) is abandoned, or at least in many situations you leave out the interest for the future return to the beloved Tuscany. And I feel the need to write it, because education (family) we respect very deeply, "who I told you before." It is clear, we respect even those who, somewhere in the world is waiting anxiously, so do not be all-bar-and misrepresented or misunderstood.
It is just just to keep up, because in recent times sensational events do not occur or, at least, can (imho) attract the attention and interest of the exclusive club that has the honor (or burden?) to go from here, from time to time.
Oh, and could have passed a couple of times first. A: February 7, first dance, dressed as a penguin and go, like in the movies. Two: 18 years to eight thousand miles from where anyone would have expected them compiessi you. Put together all the things already listed in previous post that "there is mastercard for everything else." Not that it was celebrated in great, in fact nothing more, but trust me, it makes a certain effect. A little 'how to see the pseudo-calimero dressed in green in the race of the jump and crushed crush on Superman's head which, fortunately, was not flying at the moment.
Not much else to say, why do not you also want to enter into digressions pseudofilosofiche (more pseudo truth be told), and the perception and the flow of time, which will always inexorable, the Convention established by man according to some strange, new new beginnings and ends (and we're not going to argue about that End that does not include another beginning, otherwise we land in strange religious bigotry, and above all why, if Ratzinger goes from here, and I wrote that you should slightly between the lines I " is switching off 'all. "To clarify the comments section there.), and you people do not know, but I do not think it's one or the other.
I apologize for the uselessness and the brevity of this post, but this is what is in store Longview, TX, to my and your souls. It is clear, in this simplicity "someone" could find (find us?) The romance of the senses. Naaaaaaa.