Michel de Nostre-Dame (Nostradamus, Latinized name) was born 1503 nl in southern France, then at the age of twenty years or so he enrolled in medicine, he edited many lepers and began to travel. In his travels met a lot of strange people, many prophets from overwork, many boastful and snake charmers, until then, so read the chronicles of the time, a famous drug dealer to whom you omit the name of respect for "praivasi" which gave him a powerful drug that was imported from the east and a method of administration bit 'unusual. Nostradamus himself, says that the ceremony by playing the first of his predictions was to fill a bucket of water (and probably of our innovative drug) place it on a tripod of brass (it's important that he was of brass, because it seems that this material generate a particular response to drugs) and secure during the night, waiting for inspiration (intake).
According to reconstructions made by some important biography of the great French prophet, when the smoke went in a circle, we began to see and hear historical facts that were happening or would happen, stores them and described them clearly in a manuscript (of course never found) and then rewrite more enigmatic and make them understandable only "after they have completely ended."
Well, there are many people who lose sleep to give interpretation of its famous weather (which are divided into blocks of four) and would be ready to swear that Nostradamus was an anointed one (almost like Silvio). And reading accuracy of some prophecies one is impressed.
" king against king, princes and dukes against ,
Asti each other, horrible dissent
anger and rage through every province ,
In France the great war and horrible change. "
E 'obvious. It' obvious. E 'discounted . What if this quatrain may refer to the first world war? Um ... okay maybe a bit 'as interpreted and enforced in 1550 about even guessing it was not hard to guess that there would be no wars in Europe, but fans of Nostradamus say that he prophesied the first great war. Why do not you believe him? "We give them a second chance, because if this could be put under the right light otherwise, the quatrain just enunciated.
" year one thousand nine hundred ninety nine (new) the seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror,
raise him a great King of Angoulmois,
Before and after Mars to reign early. "
E 'obvious. It 'obvious. E 'discounted . What if this quatrain may refer to the tragedy of the twin towers? The seventh month of the Julian calendar is September and the year of the attack is not true 2001 but 1999 for the uncertainty of the date of birth of Christ. And what about Angoulmois? It can be as Mongoulais anagram, or "from Mongolia," which is certainly related to Afghanistan. Okay, maybe this is a bit 'weak, but go beyond, always 9 / 11
" Five and forty degrees the sky will burn,
Fire approaches the great new city: In a
instant a great scattered flame will jump,
When you want to have proof of the Normans. "
E 'obvious. It 'obvious. E 'discounted . This time you can not blame him. 40 ° 5 'is the exact latitude of New York (do not worry, the first verse does not mean either 5 ° and 45 ° 40'), the fire approaches the great new city (New York, New York, no?), a big flame spread jump (I can not interpret this, but I'm sure that has a great meaning hidden), and then reggetevi strong: According to Wikipedia, in 2001 was made Palermo DNA testing Swabian and Norman kings buried there, so it will be done "proof of the Normans." Come on, this time just can not contradict him.
incredible that there are people who believe in this stuff, and it's incredible that there are people who spent sleepless nights and nights trying to interpret what this guy had written.
do not know if he had noticed, but I'm not exactly a pro-Nostradamus.
However, the launch of the Millennium contest: write your own prophecy.
I will write my own quatrain below, and if you want, you can and adds others in the comments to this article, preferably not too long term, otherwise we will never understand those of us who has prophetic abilities.
"In the year two thousand and seven at six months
major events disrupt the young Italian minds
and a seven-branched candelabrum of mixed blood
ensure the great feedback, which will put an end to Mycaelu"
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