confess that reading a title like that for an e-mail, for a blog post or a forum, I ask you candidly, "but what the heck does that mean?", but the reading, though, I'd give it at least a chance, we say that promote the subject, hoping to deal with them, to understand something of twisted mind of its creator.
"We stopped indignant" has no metaphorical value or occult means exactly what it says, namely that we have become sloth, that nothing surprises us, and that the little that surprises us does not get us to put in motion, to fight, to scream, but it leads only to complain as the "four pensioners poisoned" De Andrè.
fact I can not tolerate the fatalism of the "new generation" Italian, of twenty boys whose minds seem to be exhumed, and they are not surprised about anything.
Want some examples?
I have heard that the fighting between fans at football games are on the whole "normal" because, so, everyone does. Right, is normale.Normale.Non is by no means normal. It 'absolutely inconceivable hold the same importance to the life of a human being and a football game, but there indignamo, we limit ourselves only to blame this or that politician, this one or that team, to this or that part of 'Italy from which came the fan in question ... the discourse between students of twenty years are limited to trying to understand if it was the fault of the driver or dell'assalitore, the policeman or what was on the run, but not beyond, do not go to ask that football is halted until you find serious solutions to the raging violence.
I heard that the President does not deserve respect because he is a "communist", that we can put the flag in the most sacred of our ports, that the State is a thief, that the Italian race must not be contaminated, or maybe workers' children have to trace their paternity to a Lesser God, and stuff like that, but there are few who were outraged, but often, too often, I found myself alone, abandoned to my fate as a protester, so angry that I felt his face blanched, Why yes, the son of a worker must be equal to the son of a professional, and why yes, if that is Moroccan, if working, studying, if you have the attributes, MUST have the same rights as a descendant of Italy race.
I heard then say that escape for a (im) borrower is normal, because otherwise how do you earn the money he wants? I am not referring to the famous words of a former president of the board, but I refer to the words of guys my age with whom I had the opportunity to speak, which is not only mad about these things, but rather should be proud to show off, to tell you about, of ... of ... short of just not thinking, and to hide behind the mentality of beggars that marks pretty much the Italians.
I've also heard to say that policy can not change and must be destroyed, that anything that represents progress is not good, but on the other hand one can not propose solutions that politicians are all thieves, but do not go into politics not to get their hands dirty, I felt that the only alternative to this and say vaffa vaffa this and if you're not with me vaffa well for you. But this is the move of desperation, close in ideas that can also be right in principle, but which are not open to others, by comparison, the dialectic. E 'verbal violence, and physical ways that would lead nowhere and that it should once again make us ashamed of, but it does not, because instead of being dismayed by this offense often be surrounded by young people we will adhere precisely
And so what I've heard more than once and more than once made me cry my heart. "It 's the mentality of us Southerners who is wrong," the classic cliché of "we have made Italy, now we must make the Italians" in its more imaginative and more variations on the same false line. Why hurt me deeply these phrases? Why are so pronounced and let the wind, why do not lead to concrete action, because the erroneous finding of southern mentality (I would say Italian) is not accompanied a real desire for change thereof. In a nutshell: if you think the mentality of "we Southern is wrong, why do not you oppose with all your strength to change it? Why are you to advocate this same mentality wrong staying on the couch watching Big Brother? "No, no, no! I'm obviously the wrong one, the idealist, one who lives in dreams, the one that comes when he sees something different, concrete, gives his all to help to try and make it grow. "Dreams do not give food," said the sage, or "Dreams are wishes," said the Disney cartoon on the notes of a waltz, but I say that if you do not have dreams when you do not have to support itself (Ie where it is someone else who shall make us eat), if you do not have dreams when you desire the highest priority that you can have is a new car or travel in this or that place, it was already dead. Not just dead inside, but also died off. The nostrils are more attentive because they can certainly notice the bitter-sweet smell of putrefaction of us young Italians, mostly fascinated by myths of the past and pseudo-heroes who will not come back to life, which on one hand still sing "Hasta Commander siempre! " and the other proudly flaunt slogans that evoke parallels between a dictator and the light, others who barricade themselves behind the "no" unreasonable or others who cling tightly to "values" that do not even have a small semblance of rational justification, moral or ethical, but are only based on an unbreakable desire not to change, not to stay dry, not to be overwhelmed by the wheels of change and progress.
Why? Why the youth of today are older than yesterday's old? Why can not shake us from our Anglo-Saxon cousins \u200b\u200bwould call "The wind of change" (it sounds so damn good ... I had to say: D), or us with a burst of patriotism linguists call "wind of change"? Here's what I want from all the youth of Italy. Stop living the myths of the past, start thinking, start to get angry. Profess together a new belief that is based on a strange idea, born of illustrious minds and spread from a twenty year old desperate, saying that if the human being brings the wonder at the thought and philosophy, the outrage is the only thing that it leads to social and civil progress. If there is hope of doing something, even a thin, fragile flame, we believe, because belief in a political and social renewal project is much better to sit with our hands ... and if that fails, we try again!
Here we come to the conclusion.
The political situation in Italy is in turmoil, because it comes a party that does not live by myths and does not believe in charismatic leaders, but is based sull'indignazione, the willingness to change, on the belief that strenuous a different policy than an Italy, a different world you can do.
What you ask is just to reflect, before putting a cross in the darkness of tomorrow or the day after polling station where you will be only you and your pencil (or even God, if you believe in these terms), to try to understand if your vote can be directed to a political reality that wants change.
I did, and I married a project, I took two weeks for a pin that not only bore witness to the desire to elect a candidate for prime minister, but the will to believe in the other, hoping that for once in your life can change something is not always the status quo to change us, and joining in the bonds of conservatism and immobility. Spingiamoci forward until the chain allows him to look beyond imposed on us and trying to break free.
This is why tomorrow I will vote early Democratic Party and as the shirt reads, "no turning back."
Aniello Falco, 19, Sperone (AV) - student Ing.Elettronica @ UniSa
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