Time passes, consuming the last two thousand hours of this. I do not know why but when it ends year budgets are growing. You try to remember, to think about what has happened over the past twelve months and often we get to conclude and decide if the year has gone well or badly. We will always try to place some hope in 'years to come, many hope that every year is a year of change, like a figure on the calendar to influence our life.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Time passes, consuming the last two thousand hours of this. I do not know why but when it ends year budgets are growing. You try to remember, to think about what has happened over the past twelve months and often we get to conclude and decide if the year has gone well or badly. We will always try to place some hope in 'years to come, many hope that every year is a year of change, like a figure on the calendar to influence our life.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Riflescopes On Sale Just Works!

Why not?!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Optical Microscope Great Idea

Friday, November 27, 2009
Ovid Illustrated: The Reception Of Ovid's
I have always enjoyed seeing new places, watch people in their behavior and try to put myself in the culture of the place. I must say that Albania is really difficult to understand people, their behaviors, their attitudes. Especially if you presume to know how things are, it is them that maybe you're not really managed to get in contact with people. I am not speaking of people and kids who attend, individually they are all normal people, what I still can not understand is the Albanian people as a whole. Tirana, for example, shows its different faces. For a simple tourist will look like a city European full-scale, the center is well maintained, the rooms are always full of people, clothing to the fashion, luxury cars, all to flaunt opulence that is really only apparent. For example, turning the streets, just leave the main roads always come across often in busy streets to create space between the buildings, narrow and often full of potholes. The same is true for people in the center are children who go to dance, drink, listen to live music, then as you push in the suburbs are an entirely different situation.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Supathickmami Rapidashare
A diary should be kept up to date is true, but it is also true that in writing too often threatens to lapse into banality, we strive at all costs to find something to write. Are not always enlightened by philosophical reflections ee deep thoughts, or at least not always I am here to share. And then I also believe that the reflections are interesting if they are accompanied by episodes of adventures and stories. That's why in recent weeks, I am worried that more than live to write. That it seems almost believable, but wanting to be more concrete enough to say that I had to write voglia.Ed here is that since last month are changed a bit 'of things, the work has definitely increased and with it the things to think about, often there is no weekend taking, work period.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Emulator Safenet>emulator Safenet
a working day like many others, spent the morning in the office, then home for lunch Jesuits where I go every now and then, after lunch I stopped working in the office of Father Bertrand, with whom I'm collaborating on this project from good scout that he calls a "wonderful adventure". While I was engrossed in work enters the office a young Jesuit Father Zef Albanian, very nice and polite. He says: "I'm
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
San Quentin Inmates Information
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
.bronchitis.. More Condition_symptoms

Italy is the country I love Berlusconi said in his famous speech of "go on the pitch," and even though I was almost ashamed to say, I share in this vision. It is certain that for me is a very different feeling, I feel light years away from that kind of love that the "President" has shown in Italy in recent years, being in love is an investment at a loss, even from the 'soul for the cause. Instead we saw him in the years to squeeze the country and easily take advantage of every opportunity that we gave the Italians.
I left Italy to escape, but certainly not to make a work experience. I am following with interest the story of our country, I choose to be here as I always have my sources of information, trying to figure out how things are without really affect me one way or the other. My "faith" policy is certainly on the left, but I have always been ready to conduct a constructive political decisions taken by the Government on both the right and left.
are for real politics, which is free of ideology and look at the real needs of the country and people. In recent years I have grown a media system that brings us to "numb" our thoughts and think about what someone else tells us to think. I've seen people say everything and its opposite, depending on the situation, this is the attitude of those who govern us and is becoming the attitude of all Italians. Relativism is now the king. I saw what I consider to be indisputable values \u200b\u200btrampled on without anyone beat an eyelash.
I have always considered that some newspapers are better than others, not because of their political affiliation because of their objectivity in news reporting and cultural interest in their investigation. I really enjoyed the battle that the Republic has in recent months fought against the attempt to cover up what in any other democratic country would have been a political scandal. Private parties with guests who had arrived on air public paid for by taxpayers, prostitution, relationships to pedophilia, all seasoned with ambiguous calls with people of dubious integrity. I've heard from people who have always considered bigoted that there is nothing wrong, that the President's private life should not be concerned and look at what we have done good to our country. By not talking about "good works" that Silvio has done for Italy, I'd like to focus the objectification of the concept of distinction between public life and private life! We could accept such a speech when you talk the relationship between Berlusconi and his wife, which frankly I do not care, we consider privacy and close one eye also on the relationship with the "small" Naomi, but we can not pretend that nothing before the use of flight status for private reasons, this is when the public and private sectors begin to blur and if you allow then I start to poke their nose because I also have to pay for the travel of its "minstrel" in Naples. And if my President, you say well, my President, because unlike anyone I've always had respect for the institutions in spite of everything. Well, if my President spends his holidays in the company of prostitutes, because you can call escort, escorts, ring or as you wish, but the job is still the same, the oldest in the world!
Now we come to exactly what triggers this delusional political thought! Increasingly, we hear that the politicians are all the same, rogues, left and right and so nothing changes. When I hear this I salt the blood to the brain, even more when I hear someone speak in favor of Berlusconi, and that says it all! Anticipated this, my thought turns to what is happening these days in my region, the case Marrazzo to speak. Without getting lost in unnecessary comparisons with the "mischief" of the Premier I would say that such behavior is acceptable a representative of the people, national or regional level should be. Pay to go with a woman or a transsexual does not matter, it is morally unacceptable behavior by a person who represents us! This of course is my personal opinion questionable, but I do not understand what is relativism which in this case also involves the left and the newspapers who fought in the crusade against Berlusconi. And even in this case is the figure of the Prime Minister to do the lion's share of the papers. He knew, he helped Marrazzo. It 's a mafioso attitude, is further evidence of the conflict of interests was a gesture of a gentleman, these are the popular opinion. It 's always the figure President to stand out, for better or for worse. Instead, I believe that newspapers should maintain a consistent view and condemn the behavior of Marrazzo. The real politicians should talk about the case objectively, without seeing yet another opportunity to bring water to his mill, the best decision to take is to resign Marrazzo, that I personally look forward at this time, to show that those who make mistakes pay, to show that on certain things is not relativism that takes, to show that we do not play with his own weapons. Faced with the evidence there are no pun intended.
Berlusconi has become a role model also in scandals that involve, Italians admire him because he does not stop the processes, lawlessness has become a must, the sexual adventures of the Prime Minister are to be admired because they demonstrate his manhood in this view that animal, pass me the term, more than six goals and to admire! The country is a reflection of who governs it!
Well, today looks an encouraging sign, the resignation of Marrazzo, to show that it is not enough to be able to do what you want, quite the contrary, that power means responsibility, the leader must respect the laws of most other ! To prove that politicians are not all crooks, but that may be mistaken as Marrazzo the honesty to admit the mistake and withdraw. To prove that no one covers his mistake by pulling out the mistakes of others, because there is still some ignorant defending Berlusconi said that was wrong with the trans Sircana! The mistakes of others do not justify our own, if everyone responds to, and that is why today expecting a sign of civilization's resignation Marrazzo, without speculation and without too much political chatter.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Cb Valery I Densei 2002
Life goes on, the weeks go by, life here is good, certainly a bit 'of nostalgia there, between the rain drops and the MP3 player that goes by surprise songs that recall the beauty of my city . And that's when you least the aspects of a weekend like many others, but unique. The usual routine, you work a bit 'even if it's Saturday and the desire is not a lot, you browse a bit' on the internet, then you go out to dinner. Not raining, the sun came out after a week of rain. The scout group in Tirana, where work often uses the structure for activities and meetings. This Saturday is the clan that is here on out. My evening with it as planned, meat and beer with friends, then returns home. I enter the car in the garden and there are kids in a circle around the fire, turn off the headlights to not ruin the atmosphere. Parking, out of the car and one of them is asking me to join them. The desire to tell the truth is not much, I sleep and I'm tired, but how to say no! I approach the fire and roast them incerchio to cook on the grill. Spending an hour in their company as well, playing, chatting, eating chestnuts and sipping a little 'home-made red wine. The chestnuts are cooked perfectly, the wine is not the best, not even speak much to each other as they chat in Albanian.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Telescopes Refractors
a month in Albania and I seem to have arrived yesterday, and instead is a month that are already here. Looking back, in fact, a bit 'of time has passed. I fixed my room, now I have a decent bed, a bookshelf with books that I brought from Rome, a closet with all my clothes and a small table. I am organizing for a sofa and TV, although in Albanian is not that much yet understand. I bought a book "Learn Albanian in a short time", huh I got it! but in a short time what?! The language is not easy, declensions, pronouns, adjectives ... so there is to be studied, for what little that's enough to survive. In the evening you go out often, eating out does not cost much.
Friday, October 9, 2009
How To Build A Refractor Telescope
sensation early autumn, explained Marcel Proust's involuntary memory, those feelings that you refer to distant memories, smells, sounds, tastes, all the senses can recall any memories faded away. And 'a sensation, you can not do anything, it just happens. It happens even though in different ways. Remember that while not wishing to re-emerge, as in a shirt that does not put a little ', autumn makes you reindossare clothes that you took in the spring, here in the pockets then those few things that you forgot to throw away, a movie ticket The printed text of a song. Then memories come to mind that maybe you'd rather not resurrect. I think it's a way to know oneself, one thinks of how he, just a few months ago. It 's like watching someone else, certainly not to change much in so little time, however, know many things. And 'one more step in! Resurface the words, and those who did not give, speeches, ideas, feelings. Are not always pleasant memories.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Shirt
It is now almost a month who are in Albania, the other day I heard the odd immigration law. For entry you do not need no visa, but once inside the Albanian territory, you can not live more than a month, fined EUR 100 leaving the country. I asked around to get a residence permit and they told me you need to wait a couple of weeks. So now to avoid becoming an illegal immigrant in Albania, which seems almost a joke, I left for Montenegro, to get me a ride and then travel back to Albania and to have another month to come into compliance. I took the opportunity of a friend who had to go to Scutari, which is only 15 km from the border and left with him, I left to do his rounds and I walked towards the border. Unfortunately, the machine still did not documents are in order, then the customs stopped me and told to go back. Since I had only to cross the border, I parked the car and I walked on foot, under the amused gaze of the Albanian police that I had just sent back with the car. Register on my computer out of the country and say hello. Walk for about two hundred yards and find a bar, sit by me and ordered a turkish coffee. After the coffee I tell myself that I can not walk so far to go, the way of life more like something human cows that were grazing at that point I decided to go back after a good 20 minutes spent in the country's Mirko Vucinic (Montenegro, for those who fail to understand). I returns to the border, this time out, with police officers than those before. The Montenegrins me check and record the document without problems. Step by Albanian police. The guy at the computer entering my data, looks at me and asks in broken Italian: "Why you left and returned?" I say, "to take a walk", he does not understand, it seems right, a border policeman who does not speak other languages \u200b\u200bthan the Albanians. Fortunately there was in line with the machine (probably will not cross the border on foot with no year), an Albanian boy who spoke Italian and I translated the questions of the policeman. "What are you doing in Albania?", "Why go out and fall?" I began to enjoy myself, and I was wondering why did so many stories, all documents were in order, and it was in my rights also pass and repass four times in succession. The thing that amuses me is that the Montenegrin police have not batted an eyelid. That they would have been suspicious, and ask: "how come this comes on foot to our house is ten minutes and goes away?" and yet nothing! While the police continued with its Albanian
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Ap Biology Lab 5 Answers From Wards
Here I am, finally internet at home. I can write more often. Tonight tell you something that happened to me one of the first day I was here. Given that Tirana is a busy city, maybe the traffic here irritates me the most traffic of Rome, and that is saying something. The chaos is due to the large number of machines (50% Mercedes-Benz) and also heads the drivers' unruly natives. The queues are often due to the constant zigzagging of cars, creating inevitable delays. Often the roads are narrow, only two-lane two-way, but this does not seem to deter the fearless drivers, who do not hesitate to surpass even so bold. Of course I like a good Roman I adapted well to the local guide. While I was here, one of the first day I turned with a motor I had on loan. I find myself facing a traffic jam ever seen. I could not pass even with the scooter. After 10 minutes of good moves in the midst of the machines come to the "heart" engorgement. What happened? The road was wide enough, say two lanes in each direction. Virtually delays had meant that the cars began to overtake even invading the courses in the opposite direction, is widespread in these parts, this had caused other delays, and traffic slowed more than the super car to the left, to completely invade the lanes in the opposite direction. Meanwhile, the opposite happened and the same thing. Result:
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Edible Dog Wrapping Paper
Shqiperia in Albanian means the country of Britain, to say the truth is that he has not seen many, indeed for the accuracy yet none. Of course, not having shot a lot. I'm here I'm settling in I'm starting to do something. I live in Vaqar, a village which is 9.2 kilometers from the center of Tirana. As you can see from the photos the house is very big. Obviously that is not all for me. The property is home to the project. The tower and the wing on the left are still under construction, while the right wing is complete on the inside. On the ground floor there is a nursery and kitchen. The first floor of my bedroom, my office and the room of Max, a young Albanian who works here. He is the head of the house, takes care of all maintenance work. The morning and evening I have to say that starts to cool.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Free Standing Horse Hay Feeder
Here we are safe and sound, a bit 'tired but calm. In a little 'one begins to get serious. The first few days to settle down and regain confidence with familiar places, but I'll have to learn to know better. All in all here is good, will be the last days of summer, but there is a nice climate, people go out and have fun. Soon I will publish photos of my "country house" in reality I only have a small room, among other temporary, but it's nice to wake up in the woods. People in Italy claim
Saturday, September 12, 2009
...heel Spurs_symptoms
Monday, August 31, 2009
Pain In The Great Foot
What is the best way to begin a new adventure than to keep a diary?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Best Red Dot Scope For The Money
10 months ago I left Italy with a lot of hope but few certainties.
10 months ago I left Italy with an emptiness inside that needed to be filled.
10 months I had one house, one family
He thinks, and do not even need to read it at his first post that opened this blog 10 months ago. The similarities with the current post could and should be found. The similarities with the current time you can find you, not me. Too many differences to see, even on the horizon, a simile. Now it's all gone, all gone. Now there are no hopes, only certainties. All hopes are gone, that have been fulfilled or not is another matter. Everything about the past ten months, it is a fact, a certainty. And if anyone wants to find the positive in this, come forward, because here the ideas are scarce. Maybe the "bright side" in a week week we will land, and this is the only hope that she can rush right now.
What remains instead of here are ten months of positive thoughts, one near the idyllic world, where everything is in place, as God (or me?) Commands (/ o). It remains this way the memory of an unparalleled experience that can not and will not ever be replicated. Like all dreams, even this did not a clear starting, but has a limited purpose difinite. An end that would be happy, but for many reasons humans can not but be sad, melancholic, nostalgic. And do not take this wrong, it's the truth. The truth is that this is not summer camp. This will not return next year. And this awareness does not help.
It helps, perhaps, the knowledge had no choice. In some cases, it's really better not to use its own assessment. And basically this is the only way to think about this whole situation, which otherwise would not have output. Excuse me, I never thought it would be this hard (even though I had been told before). I only hope that, like Texas and its people at that time helped me because I could feel this land as my house, we can find a real home in my old home.
At the end of all this, I want to thank all those for whom this blog exists. Father, mother, Intercultural, whoever gave me support during this adventure. And then my American parents, teachers, friends who were always close. All these people who, though never read this blog, will always have a special place down there, deep inside the organ that will tuttiu memory of you, until it stops beating.
With love,
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Quadriderm Definition

committed to the Pack n 'Mail in Longview, Texas, told me that once the post office offered the service for parcels transport ship destined for overseas. Two years ago, due to recession (or vaiassaperetecosa), have left the service, transport and farewell statement. So if you're going to learn the news that there are rather old, do not complain, blame is something that we, mere mortals, we can not learn, this recession, finance, grants (or vaiassaperetecosa).
Said, more than a month ago. San Francisco, a city of many faces. Cities in which are home to the Bay of Robin Williams, the skyscrapers of downtown billionaire, all kinds of amenities in Haight Street (where the quotation is required, there are more "smoke shops" that whipped). Oh yeah, and the hippies or bums, some call them 'what you will, are still there. Without taking anything away from what other scenarios are perhaps more worthy of dimension. Such as when, in a blinding morning sun, leaving the Golden Gate Park come out on a breathtaking view. Right Downtown, Fisherman Wharf (pier in Italian) straight, overlooking the bay. In the distance around the famous red bridge, and Alcatraz. Small
recorded. There are some who say that impressions are true. Meanwhile, however, the first day, walking across the Golden Gate Bridge, it happens that a lady in deep despair credibly get up one of those phones along the bridge. These machines automatically dial the "anti-suicide" that with a caddy, go to save the poor before they throw a bridge. And thus far do not bat an eyelid. Except that, the unfortunate who is driving the caddy (rigged) changes to 30 mph down a sidewalk three feet wide. On one side the cliff, on the other traffic that whizzes over the bridge. Oh yes, 'I'm unhappy, to save a poor soul, nearly a dozen mutilated that it was enjoying the quiet bay of San Francisco.
The following days include a trip to course Alcatraz, where if you do not remember, a close descendant of the Italian soil spent several years in Italy for a variety of amenities that, in those days (and today), would be very small.
Special mention should be paid at Berkeley, and especially at the university. Beautiful place, a melting pot of ethnicities and cultures. I limit myself to what not to debunk myths too, that American movies have brought us ever since.
The rest is an unforgettable week in a city that can hardly catch your eye.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Gordon 20-60 X 60mm Spotting Scope
Ah is not an April Fool's joke eh, is clear.
Before now, Monday and Tuesday. The professor is absent, you watch a movie. No, a cartoon: Kung-Fu Panda. Comment to myself: "Daiiiiiiiiii! I've seen." It was the beginning, August 14 (I think) when you fired on the British Airways TV of your seat ... Kung-Fu Panda. Two p *** e. Then oh, it's all in English, do not understand anything.
the series, sometimes they come back. And they give you a second chance. One of the best films I've ever seen. Eho 8 months have passed, I made 18 years, now they are mature. Maybe. But that Panda, the laziest animal collection koala bear (Kung-Fu Koala sounded bad guys come on) becomes an invincible warrior, and not because it is, but because we believe. Here, the Panda, it might be nothing, but instead is Everything. It defeats the villain and saves his country populated by anthropomorphic pigs. The villain is rather big, big, and even s ***** o. All away, no nothing.
Lesson (philosophical) of the day: Everything and Nothing is too much on concepts to be considered. Lesson (practice) of the day: You can be big, big ***** es or what you want, but: 1-star in the pumpkin there must something, you have 2- believe in what you're doing. It 's so that the practice is passed to all that and then nothing. It 's so then I step in responding to the initial (and quite rude) questions. Why 1 - think you have something in the pumpkin and 2 - believe in what I'm doing. The rest I leave to the free human interpretation.
If anyone wants to compare me to go ahead Panda, proud of it, will be the answer. It is clear, the confusion of these speeches is the mess that is around the pumpkin, which, again, hard to determine whether the body that governs it, this is all or nothing. If nothing else, now is everything, and I was a bit 'of time now.
I think of when talking with friends overseas and I say no, believe it or not here, I'm different. Zero worries, zero worries, zero expectations, zero broken ****** c i. Is that it is a paradise. It is a paradise that is when everything you do not have, but given. It is clear, it works in both directions. Nobody gives you anything before you receive something. It seems so simple, so stupid. But that's all. That is all.
I just finished answering questions from Italy, and I said no, never coming to live in Texas. If that email is not already playing would change that response before publishing this post. Patience is now gone.
This will not be my first frustration in Texas land. Already zero frustration, almost I forgot.
As we all know though, Adam in Eden did not last long, very little. But he had everything he wanted.
Ps: I apologize for the huge amount of asterisks in the post, serving to maintain a dignity.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Marvel Ultimate Alliance Gba
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Simple Low-resolution Projector Parts
February. Indeed, almost in March to tell the truth. It 's been the All Star Game, and spent the night of the Oscars. It 's been the winter (yes, in Texas who is an advantage).
six months have passed, but I will not start now to make budgets because they are annoying and pathetic. If ever there is a will in the end, before returning to the homeland. Now there is. Now there is that people do not want more of where you are and be clear, not because you speak like them, but because by now everyone knows that you are Italian, even before you open your mouth. Many who in the past month I have asked "Are you ready to go back?" received a curt: "Nope." It said it had reached a certain point (and take what is written on this blog very cheerfully) is abandoned, or at least in many situations you leave out the interest for the future return to the beloved Tuscany. And I feel the need to write it, because education (family) we respect very deeply, "who I told you before." It is clear, we respect even those who, somewhere in the world is waiting anxiously, so do not be all-bar-and misrepresented or misunderstood.
It is just just to keep up, because in recent times sensational events do not occur or, at least, can (imho) attract the attention and interest of the exclusive club that has the honor (or burden?) to go from here, from time to time.
Oh, and could have passed a couple of times first. A: February 7, first dance, dressed as a penguin and go, like in the movies. Two: 18 years to eight thousand miles from where anyone would have expected them compiessi you. Put together all the things already listed in previous post that "there is mastercard for everything else." Not that it was celebrated in great, in fact nothing more, but trust me, it makes a certain effect. A little 'how to see the pseudo-calimero dressed in green in the race of the jump and crushed crush on Superman's head which, fortunately, was not flying at the moment.
Not much else to say, why do not you also want to enter into digressions pseudofilosofiche (more pseudo truth be told), and the perception and the flow of time, which will always inexorable, the Convention established by man according to some strange, new new beginnings and ends (and we're not going to argue about that End that does not include another beginning, otherwise we land in strange religious bigotry, and above all why, if Ratzinger goes from here, and I wrote that you should slightly between the lines I " is switching off 'all. "To clarify the comments section there.), and you people do not know, but I do not think it's one or the other.
I apologize for the uselessness and the brevity of this post, but this is what is in store Longview, TX, to my and your souls. It is clear, in this simplicity "someone" could find (find us?) The romance of the senses. Naaaaaaa.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Film Erotyczny Za Darmo
December 29, 2008, Longview.
Off-school day. Not that it matters, no, not basketball.
Workout at 8 am. As has become customary, I headed to the "coliseum" half an hour before, just enough time to go to coach Scotter (trainer Ed.) and adjust the two or three things that the body of a skinny white 5'10 have never applied, let alone when you only play with him (almost exclusively) people by the color rather dark.
training runs but enough with all that the first training session back from Christmas holidays can bring.
Do not worry, the interesting part is yet to come.
Hours 12. According to the program, the Italian-American (Mr. Filippazzo), Italian (I) and German (Andy, already discussed somewhere) are setting out to Waco, home of Baylor University, a private university with 80 thousand bucks a year, how to take down a glass of water in short. The three hours on the motorway to your destination is, as always, if you're in Texas, 2 hours 50 in the middle of nowhere and 10 minutes (maybe) a city in the background (in this case, Dallas), but no consolation even more much. To animate the day, however, there are three in Gascony blue Volvo that during these three hours of leisure activities in the most varied topics: NBA (false and corrupt) College Basketball (slow and with a time-out every 3 minutes), health American (unacceptable for reasons that we all know), the American economy (in the dish slightly downward). And when The three arrive at their destination, given the background and animated discussions, Italian and German are asking the following question: "But we in America, we're doing here?". However, answers will come with time, rest assured.
Oh yes, then at 7 is the game of College Basketball: Portland State @ Baylor U.. And while this would be an answer, but it gets better. Yes, because after photos with a sign "Baylor University" and the rest of the 4 we head to Starbucks to Farrell Center arena with 10,000 seats and an adjoining sports center all to be revealed. And if the friend of high school Italian-American named David Wesley (Current student-coach at Baylor with 14 years NBA behind), then, this sports center, under recommendation, you also see him leave. Round of calls and we are in with a guy, coach Perkins ago by Virgil in a new structure of two years in which they were invested (or spent?) 11 million went Presidents (cited). That 11 million to look around you wonder: "Only 11?".
Coach Perkins, a native of St. Louis, Missouri, just presented himself tells us that the first time I came to Waco, the declaration of origin, everyone looked at him aghast as saying: "St. Louis? We have a St. Louis, Texas? " that to Coach P. immediately added: "Missouri", reminding all Texans that their nation consists of well 49 other states in addition to them. But some people around here still find it hard to be a knowledge-slash-accept the geopolitical situation (but that's another story). After the small anecdote, which really says a lot about Texas and Texans, we pass the inspection of the structure. You enter by a back door accepted, as stated by Mr. Perkins that shows us as we pass from the lobby the various offices. Systematically lying on the desks of these and a notebook or a desktop with an apple smangiucchiata on the back, the ones that when you go to buy them on the box, the good old Steve writes: "Designed by Apple in California," to not make mistakes and do not be misunderstood. We ask, curious, is it a coincidence that on every desk there is one or if it is desired. With great care we are told that the basketball program has been completely renovated (11 million is not that Pochini h) after the sanctions that were assigned to the program of the Baylor University Basketball dall'Ncaa following the scandal of 2003, among which events are found: the murder of a player by a teammate (!), the concealment by the coaching staff of medical tests that showed the use of prohibited substances of one of the players, the payment of fees university by the same coaching staff and other minor misconduct. In short, the credibility of the program and college basketball was all gone by the wayside and a new foundation after the close of the same program for two years, was the least we could do to not fall into a decline from which one would hardly raised.
were saying, how do you turn around you see the fruit of the mind candy of Steve Jobs, who, as we are told, it also provides (in charge of the university) to each player one of his MacBook Pro, 2000 other Presidents to head, and never will be. Continue the tour and enter through a door with access through palm print (not a finger eh, the whole hand!), To the ground floor, where among other things are: a training ground, a room weights, locker rooms and the wing of the women's basketball, not visited for a time limit. Yes, because among other things, at 7 there would also be a match to see. Oh, and of course from the front row. Game that does not raise a lot of emotions sunk if not for two in a row the number 23 in white jersey (home of the Baylor Bears uniform) on behalf of Kevin Rogers, one of which is to defend deployed in alley-oop on the bottom line from an assist by Curtis Jerrels (this name on some floors will see him again, make no mistake), Biman violent and result in delirium. The other action in the following counter-attack, on a riser too pretentious for most human beings, but not for Kevin, who gets up, picks up the ball at least two feet behind his head and crushes while his eyes look at the bottom of the retina. Seeing the level of the flooring then, even more impressive. Public standing and almost unbearable volume despite being 29 December and the entire student body is to visit relatives.
after the game Coach Perkins gives us one last gift, taking us inside the locker room, where each player has their own wood cabinet in which, on request, can send one of PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 or Wii, of course, with attached LCD screen of about twenty inches. In 'corner towers and a free Samsung 60''LCD with an adjacent Wii, for "games". It's not over because in the bathroom (yes in the bathroom) in front of the toilet and the corridor to the showers, there are two flat TV, not to miss a minute of your favorite shows. Annexed to the changing rooms are two rooms: one with all the pictures of past players from Baylor and then to the NBA, the other (other) 4 lcd connected to various consoles, which are in front of 80 thousand 4-massage chairs bucks. Each. How to Coach P. said, that's all, and as we say we just left the arena - just as well because ordinary mortals have other things to do.
Yes, because the most anonymous of the Roadhouse on the highway waiting for the Italian, German and Italian-American is Mr. David Wesley, who came from Houston in disguise (to avoid engagement with BU, having regard to the departure the next day to Charlotte) for a greeting and nothing more. 30 minutes to eat from Texas to bring the memories and not acceptable even for groceries. The anecdote of the evening comes from our own veteran (a native of Longview, already) and concerns the religion, many who are present at BU. In fact, as good Christians before and after each workout, all in a circle is called the prayer to Our Father, and thus far nothing unusual. Except that just after the prayer, the current player presses the button and the iPod connected to speakers, the volume of the rapper unsustainable turn resonates in the gym: "Hey you motherf *** er ...". And David, although it is not just devoted to the Lord, being a good teacher who can not write down: "But really guys, we still have not finished the prayer."
Unfortunately, at this point it's already 11pm and 3 hours of Interstate 20 separate us from home. Greetings and in the car between the laughs. Our answers, I do this in German, even today, we have found. I see nods his head: "Yes we have found.."