Here I am Here, as usual, late at night to write my own delusions (you spell that? boh)!
Tonight was the day of the championship, I was with some friends and we decided to go to bet on matches, I did every now and then in Italy, is a game that I enjoy, you choose the games and decide who wins, with a few Euros you can win a bit ', certainly not an exorbitant amount but is always nice, everything is in danger, are the most difficult part is you can win. Of course as usual I did not miss an apt, but that does not matter. The trip back home I do now always alone in the car, I'm ten kilometers and then not much, but enough to bloom in my insane reflections. So insane to me then and those who are reading here.
Obviously the subject of my discussion tonight are the bets and how life is a gamble! In fact, it is true that in life, the more risk you run and the more you win, the more you put into play and
more can you hope to get satisfaction! But my mind is not happy with this answer is going to think about how the choices made before betting conditional on the outcome of the game. You have to think, choose, what is the strongest team, variables, analyze all possibilities, and then finally decide, and the choice is, you can not go back, now is the chance to decide for yourself, of course is as important as you were good at playing but stamped the ticket as they say "les jeux sont faits! And so it is in real life? Once you backed the wrong horse is over! And if the choices I made are almost always wrong?
And if this is not my way? I'm not reconsidering anything, indeed every day that passes I am more happy to be here, but if assurod this was not the right choice, this was not the winning horse? And here's the lighting! Life is not a gamble, it is true that "the more you risk, the more you win,"
is also true that the choices made affect the "victory" but the victory is not in the hands of fate, are you at having to play, it's you have to win, the game does not play someone else, are you to build the triumph, day by day, bit by bit, with the hardships and disappointments. Perhaps that is why I have the serenity of my choices is not easy to drop everything and move to a country as close as it is unknown to most, since many do not even know where Albania, "you are near them to Romania in Yugoslavia. What? Yugoslavia no longer exists? Oh yes you are right there is war there! Are you crazy, they'll shoot you! How?, Albania has nothing to do with Bosnia? Sorry, but the war there or not? " But I know well where Albania, I know the variables, I can bet all the elements, but not enough, is the belief of choice! Perhaps that is why many are afraid to make the choices even more simple, they do not know
"When you're in the cab. And play the board, remember that you are of a column, consider a bit 'or the first branch flag? Carefully choose your next problem"
Rap Lamento , Frankie
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