This story will transcribe below is not mine (the author is quoted at the end ), but it could be, in the sense that it is as a way to write and to think, comes very close to mine. Rather than invite you to read it (if you have not already) and groove I can do ... I still waiting for a decent post, so I leave you with a gem of contemporary Italian literature.
I awoke with a start in the middle of the night. Someone tinkered around the kitchen window. I was not dreaming. I remembered that damn circle to the head that had convinced me to go to bed so early. Alcohol and smoke had already left its mark on my incontrovertible tested neurons together with a vague feeling of impending end of something that was supposed to happen.
Perhaps the time had come.
A sound of breaking glass echoed through the night.
"The bottle Merlot in the kitchen "I thought.
" Cazzovaffanculovaccatroiaputtanazoccolamiseriaccianera! "I could understand what was strangled url that broke the silence of the house.
" Who is it? "yelled understandably frightened by turning on the bedside light.
" Minchiaccia, I cut! "uttered the voice was closer now.
I stiffened under the covers and grabbed the first thing that happened to me on his hands. As it was a condom, I opted for a more rational bottle of wine that I always kept near the bed. Strangely it was almost full.
"You have a patch, please?"
was there, the door of the room, a grizzled middle-aged gentleman, with two mustache standing out on the beard and glasses with black frame of bone. He was barefoot and wore a strange white parkas. A tousled hair framing a look gloomy and incomprehensible and profound and I felt that had seemed more concerned about the small cut that was bleeding on the back of his hand. I was shocked because every trace of fear disappeared and I was there it was as quiet to indicate the tray with the patches to the strange kind.
"Who are you? What do you want?" (I was not very original, I admit, but it was the first thing that came to mind.)
"I am God"
"Oh shit!" I thought
"Which God?" I asked interfaith
"It would take too long to explain" not
There was no need to add more. I knew he was telling the truth.
Despite everything, there. But who was he?
I was confused and embarrassed. God in my house! The Beginning and the End
"Christ!" I exclaimed, looking for an ashtray to turn off the plug when his voice husky baritone and said, "No, I am alone. And do not be too much trouble: marijuana if you think about it I have created myself. What pisses me off is what you make it pay. "
"Take it easy" I thought, "Take it easy ... There is only God who is telling you that Maria is too expensive."
I was very excited by the few things he had said, from what he had said and the way he was dressed, there was no doubt that God had left.
This thought excites me a lot.
A doubt arose, however, imperative to establish itself to my attention: If God is left, why things are so bad in the world? I was going to ask him this question when you answer terrified me, and if things go wrong because God is on the left? There would be no escape
. The world seemed crashing around me.
"Well, do not say anything?"
His voice interrupted the course of my despair.
"Shit, I came here for a chat and you stay there like an idiot with my mouth open without saying a word ... What, you took the wrong smoke?"
"No. .. that is ... well ... I do not know why ... is that ... me? "
" Well, I really do not know well either. I thought maybe you could understand me "
" I understand you? "
underlining his words completely stunned. I watched him better: he had a great good. Is negligible, with the parkas stained fingernails dirty and badly cut. Despite look alive, deep and frank and friendly expression, emanated a certain sadness.
"Yes, maybe you can understand me a bit '. You know they are just depressed "
" You too depressed? How the heck ... that is ... I do not understand ... How is it possible? "
" Yes I'm depressed! That's right ... God is depressed. I do not believe? You find it strange? "
The tone was a bit 'hit, so, Non-nervous (it was still God, damn it!), I avoided telling him that being told by God who is depressed is not just what they say the best of normality. So I pretended nothing. I realized that I liked. Inspired confidence (after all there was a lot of people who believe in him) and it was nice.
"Why are you depressed?" so I asked, just to say something
"And I also ask why?" said by a few steps forward and sitting on my bed.
I handed him the cane, made a long shot, and slowly exhaled the smoke slowly ascended the illusion of going somewhere.
"It's not that I can fine one. I feel incompetent, I feel like a failure ... to take a crap after another. To tell you the truth, I started off badly since the beginning. Adam came to me a perfect fool, and then Eve would not give so many faults. With the prospect of living forever with a guy like Adam in Eden, you'd do that instead? "
" It's true, I thought I had never considered this point of view "
" And the things next - continued - are certainly not have been better. Cain and Abel, for example. I still doubt if it were Cain and Abel too bad to be too good. Incidentally, I always hated the first class. The fact is that with the multiplication of human beings multiplied the problems. More to blame men and women, though. I think this because I created them thinking that men were to be made in a certain way, precise, determined, with certain characteristics, and so on. It was like fulfilling a duty, in short, a moral duty, but still a must. With the woman but it was different ... I made it just like I do. It came very well ... "I nodded vigorously as he dwelt
delighted gaze on the poster of Marilyn hanging above my bed.
" And I felt immediately a great envy for the man. Do not they deserve it. But you know, despite what they say about, basically I'm good. "
He stopped to ask one more shot.
" Do you still have? "He asked. I signaled yes. "Good. Facciamocene Then another ... is good stuff, you know."
I was delighted. He was God or the barrel? Frankly, I thought in my life I never asked a question like that. And while I was preparing the necessary, began to speak.
"I taught Noah to make wine, sure this would put an end to all problems. But I was wrong this time too."
It was hotly.
"But explain to me how the hell do you live badly, to make war, to steal, to be sad and everything else when you can get laid, getting drunk, smoking, reading, playing, painting, writing, having fun, how do you to go to war when you could stay at home among the things you love to
more? I thought all this while doing things in a certain way. Now I think if I had really done in my image and likeness, you'll enjoy much more. Who knows but what the fuck was I thinking ... "
was really depressed and I found nothing better than to stretch the Barbera that I kept near the bed. It took a long drink and shoot more comforted.
" However, the situation was falling . I should have know when I asked Abraham to kill his son, so much to please me. I told you so as a joke, while we were drinking just like you and me now. After a while, 'that I left, it was not that asshole
doing?! Do you realize? I tell him: 'Go and take out your child 'and that even sends me to fuck. And the autonomy of thought? And the critical mind fuck? I did not create that too? The fact is that it froze just in time. God, if I think about it ... However, it was at that time that I have noticed the first symptoms of depression. I did not want to do shit, delegate, delegate ... And delegating delegating asked Moses to write a dozen clear rules to make all live happier. I thought it would serve some purpose, although my favorite motto is 'fuck the rules'. If only I had imagined he would write the shit that exaltation of shit on the tables. But by then the damage was done ... "We turned the other
cane and smoking were calm and quiet. What this was the point? How would it end? The course of my thoughts were interrupted once again by his words.
"At one point I said enough, I wanted to really put things in place, but without resorting to another flood. So I decided to send my son. He knew what to say. But first I decided that it should have done the tin: it would be born, grew up and would do everything as an ordinary person. To do this I chose to be born a talented girl, very beautiful, sweet, intelligent and with a body cry. Her name was Mary ... you remember nothing that name? " he said winking and passing the joint.
both burst out laughing, a smile of happy, carefree and uncontrolled. We laughed for a long time without being able to stop us, with tears in their eyes and stomach muscles were beginning to make me that damn bad. It was really nice and had a great sense of humor. Camera
what it was now increasingly characterized as a bitter existential outlet.
"He came to the world as Jesus, my son. And what did he do? Miracles. What did he say? 'Stop doing the idiot'. And what the fuck is fun, the wine at Cana, the eating of bread and fish, and women then ... So what do the fuckers: kill me! Well, I swear that I have not seen more ... I
so pissed, but so pissed ... so I did the Grand Casino, Emerita bullshit: I invented
sought to remedy. Stay with us: Who do you think has given the cue to Marx that asshole? ".
I was stunned.
" No! You ... want to say that ... ie 'Capital
'..." "... I wrote it. "
I felt that I was going to have a lack
" I wanted to fix the error committed, I told you, but they have messed up everything once again. But it is possible that it is so difficult for you to live well? I do not want to force people to believe in me even when I esteem very much ... But, damn, I want only you have fun, to live well, you will enjoy. I have created for this. Sure, you can not tell us how much fun up here, how much fun you "after." But other than that vale of tears: this shit you're the invented you! "
Now we're made of. We had finished the wine and the second tube and we were turning the third. Suddenly became sad.
" Look who combined: they killed What! And John Lennon! And among China, Russia and Cuba have also fucked up that bit 'of good ideas had come to me (not without some difficulty, by the way). Not to mention Italy: between Pope and Berlusconi, when you spend more! "
was broken.
" Because everything I do goes wrong? "
was over the last barrel out and now dawn. The first glimmers of that new day side stormed into the room. We were silent for a while '. Until the alarm rang: it was time to go work. It was then that he stood up. He looked tired. He leaned over me, hugged me and whispered a sweet "Thank You" to the smell of wine and smoke made it even sweeter. We were sad and melancholy. I would have more revised?
He walked away slowly and I saw him leave the room without looking back. I heard again the sound of breaking glass and a curse, husky baritone resounded in the night.
"Shit - I thought - the last bottle of Merlot!"
I got up, I showered and thought about that wonderful night. I was fine, but now the depression began to be felt again. I was tired, sick, no energy. Nothing had meaning. I dressed in the throes of uncontrollable sadness and began to cry. A mild and cried quietly, without tears, tears that overflowed outside floor, gently, from the inside, coma with a glass overflow.
I went into the kitchen to make me coffee and never with great surprise I found on the souvenir table. There were 20 thousand pounds (for the broken bottles, "said the ticket), a huge touch of smoke smell amazing (must be good, I got my son," it said wrapping) , a packet with the seeds inside (no need to buy it ") and on a piece of paper with the new phone number of a friend of mine in Milan that I could not track down.
I began to cry, but this time of joy and deep melancholy.
After I discovered that God had left, that God Almighty that this was not around and they said that if it were up to him, things would be far better. But this one could not blame anyone but ourselves.
I left the house smiling despite the depression.
"I am God" I thought.
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