We are not offended when they dusted off the good old "non possumus" to prevent the Catholics to even think about actually making the protection of the rights and obligations of unmarried couples. We were not shocked
enough when a few days later, Cardinal Camillo Ruini promised that he would issue a statement signed by CEI, which provided immediate excommunication of Catholic politicians who have voted in favor of DICO (now called)
We were not mad when blacks Shepherd German (note the capital letters, if they say they are not offensive) said: "No law can subvert the rule of the Creator, without jeopardizing the future of society with laws in sharp contrast with the natural right " .
But when enough is enough ... hours after hearing what he dichairato: "The family showing signs of breaking under the pressure of lobby that have the ability to influence legislative processes "eh ???????? But are we really crazy? This gentleman dressed in white can not be terminated because he is head of state of a foreign nation and as such enjoys' immunity, but it seems to me that we do not realize the seriousness of the allegations and that is their blatant hypocrisy.
I am really furious. But you're not Catholic, what does? Exact are no longer Catholic, but I'm Italian. .. and I get upset by bad.
reread what he said with a little 'of calm:
1) " No law can subvert the rule of the Creator, without jeopardizing the future of society . "This means that the Italian Constitution, if she said something that did not follow a rule verbatim to the Creator would be totally useless, indeed, the constitution itself would be unconstitutional, the real constitution, in fact, would be to the Creator, whose will of course be interpreted (in Italy) by Holy Mother Church, that being the repository of truth, can not help but share it with us ordinary mortals and passive. This my country is called theocracy and not "Democracy".
The statement number is therefore a very serious because of the Catholic Church urges the faithful not to accept any law if it overturns a provision of the Creator arbitrarily chosen to Town Vatican ... other than the BR. This is terrorism, is an attempt to undermine the Italian Republic, is a failure to acknowledge the political and legislative power of our country, and this is a serious crime, but not all ... now start the laughter
2) "With more in stark contrast to the natural law . Now I would like someone to explain to me this sentence. As far as I know there are thousands of natural rights, which have been hypothesized in history, and a good percentage of them do not see the family as the basic unit of society. Currently demonizzatemi, I did not say that the family is a basic unit of society (as it should be thorough, however), but I said that the "natural law" is totally arbitrary. It also does not believe that natural rights have lost a lot of time defining exactly what it was family, but maybe I forgot someone ... ah yes! point-blank that invented by the Catholic Church! but how did I forget to ... "Natural law" translated into Italian by Vaticanese means "the natural right of Catholics," and now everything is much, much clearer.
3) "The family showing signs of breaking under the pressure of lobby groups that have the ability to influence legislative processes . The family is showing signs of failure and guilt is of course a law that has yet to go through Parliamentary and was made a few days ... yes, I fully agree with you Holy Father. Although a little ' reminds me of the fable of the wolf and the lamb , those two cute little animals that drank from the same source, remember?
Not only did the fault of the law which does not yet exist, but the lobby (the famous lobby that have the greatest interest in the recognition of de facto couples, no?) That have the ability to affect the legislative process.
Excuse me, but I shed some light on 'the ideas in writing. I try to make a speech straight. Would there be any
unspecified neither specify lobby that have large economic interests in ensuring that they are protected the rights of unmarried couples (otherwise why would they move?), which among others are colluding with the current center-left government and are able to influence his decisions on legislative matters. This is the declaration of the Head of State of the Vatican. Without a shred of evidence. Without a name. In my village is called slander, but unfortunately, my country is not in the State of the Church, because otherwise it would be called slander also to the country of Ratzy. But he can not be terminated because it is the Pope, but especially because it is a head of state ... Just watch me '.
4) why I said that words are pregnant with hypocrisy? Simply because the Church is a lobby and has the ability to influence the legislative power! Oh mon dieu ! Do you realize the surreality of the situation? This reminds me of another tale, or a saying, or whatever, or that of the ox that says cuckold ass.
5) I got to do something in this story ? I got to do because they are governed by deputies and senators of the center-left Italian and freely elected by the people of the same expression as such. I was not yet 18 when he voted for the election and I could not give them my vote, but the majority (perhaps) the Italians have decided. Of course, being that of a coalition government rather wide, incorporates many types of people from different social backgrounds, from different political beliefs from different religious beliefs, the different philosophy of life, and inside can not be absent from Catholic MPs and senators, as the Italian population is most belonging to this religion. Now if a body "independent in its scope (the spiritual Ed)" which is the Church according to the Lateran Treaties, leads with an obligation of rules which a state law is amended or sunken Catholic politicians from the above, requiring that all Italians a needs of some of these precepts, this is highly undemocratic. Why? Because there is no majority (Catholics) living with a minority (non-Catholics), but that absorbs a majority or more "tolerant" on the minority. Because if a precept of faith (?) Catholics can not form an unmarried couple can not even do atheists (I mean to say) which are not bound by this precept . And 'even remotely understandable that if a practice implies the end of a life (to rule), as in the case of the law neutral on Assisted fertilization, can not be allowed to practice. That is, if the Church says it can not be "killed" all of the embryos are implanted, the Catholic lawmakers can not pass a law that permits it because it would allow a murder. Although the idea that that is not a murder, it is logical discourse (of a twisted logic, but logical) and understandable. But to say the speech becomes totally illogical and incomprehensible cunningly. Why do not pass this law? That those who commit crime form a pair of done? The elusive crime to erode the family, be punished by all the civil and criminal codes of the world.
6) natural consequence of what I have said so far is that the Lateran become waste paper as they were unilaterally and intentionally violated (if he did not understand, this is not a fault of the Italian State). If the church violates the agreements, the counterparty is not required to respect itself. This means that the Church must begin paying taxes on their activities on Italian soil, you will have to pay customs duties on all goods entering the Vatican City and will have to give up many other privileges. One above all: now, the Cardinal Vicar (Ruini) must not swear allegiance to the Italian State. In my view this involves an issue that really scares me: that Cardinal Camillo Ruini can not be sued!
And now, what to do? Now we wait, because the couple of most popular comedians of the moment (Don Camillo and Joseppone) be sure preparing another offensive, and we hope that this particular chemical is intended to shoot Don Camillo, even after the agreement will be formally abolished. You know why? Why would an Italian citizen who does not hold institutional positions. Puotrebbe then be terminated, then, yes, you'll see some good.
"wide and the leaf is the narrow way
your say
I said my"
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