Ok, after the strike of sottonick, after chatting with God, after speaking on the death of me, well ... this time I surpassed myself as a paradox to and length of the intervention. Good luck to all readers wishing to read :-D
Ciauu and prox!
Wilga Street slipped quickly behind me and began to penetrate the needles in my mind the loud music. The lights waving in the air and threatened to explode at any moment.
I decided that I would not go to the unnamed road straight in front of me, but I went right away from the crowds and away from people that I stamped my feet, away from the boys who made drunken with their own vomit off the stifling day, away from the beautiful foreign girls you blinked because he seemed to be Italian.
opts for a small pub. "Huggin's and Friends" read the sign. I went with an indifference that was not used, did not look to the right or left to find some girls looking for someone that would give her a little 'annoyance for that evening and went straight in front of me towards the counter. There were
three large decorative plates depicting St George and the Dragon that impressed me a lot and I was almost tempted to get one and run away ... The shelf behind the high blond girl who was preparing to serve was full of spirits and beers with a few , mostly by unknown names, the four large chandeliers with bellows green gave the place a strange atmosphere relaxed despite the turmoil that surely there had to be out there with people dancing and busted, despite the night club next door and despite I knew that peace would not last long, just long enough to enjoy a beer.
"I help you?" debuted as a waitress. "What beers do you have?" I asked, puzzled and grabbed her and began to browse a small booklet with a map of Malta, where they highlighted the most characteristic towns. St.Julians then began to think that it was not all that nice to see -... Laner - especially if you had been feverish and stuffed with antibiotics until a few hours before -... Heineken, and if you did not want anyone to walk in front because they wanted feel a bit 'and then on your -.. nness our-CISK.
I realized quite late that I had listed all the beers and was watching me with a quizzical face, so to not make an idiot, I asked the last I heard, which was then also that of which I was almost certain that you understand the name. With a staggering
English said, "A CISK to the bottle ... not ... thanks"
I paid my € 2 and 40 and began to enjoy, just like a derelict, ale and bitter that I had been served without excessive compliments from the bartender. When I had
guzzle about a quarter of my pint glass, sat down beside me a young woman with Mediterranean features, marked with a tan, which, together with his very dark hair, my eyes made her a statue carved in a wood.
"What you got beer?" asked me not without interest.
"A local beer, the CISK export the plug," I said irritably.
I had a bad headache and my throat was beginning to annoy me, I coughed and I thought a curse unique ... I was really annoyed by the fact that I wanted to talk to anyone, let alone listen to someone, and a beautiful girl about 25 years, a simple beauty and not vulgar, with a blue dress, perhaps a bit 'too tight that maliciously drew the curves, was there trying button to attack.
"Hey, if you do not want to bother, just tell me ... I turn, I drink my beer and I'm leaving."
The purpose of this sentence that she was clearly to get my interest, a sort of 'reverse psychology' rather bland, I was conscious, and then tried to resist.
"How did you know that I do not want to be bothered?"
He looked stunned, his eyes narrowed blacks in defiance, then was about to take her purse, but then collapsed, and I interrupted, "No, do not go ... I just do not feel good and I did not want to ruin the evening to someone else talking about my illness and the phlegm that is accumulating in me throat. Damn air-conditioning! "
Maybe I realized I need to talk to someone, and then it was a good opportunity to pick up a really beautiful girl and a not inconsiderable charm.
"Aniello My name is ..." I told her unpretentious and offering her hand.
"Eh?" Could you repeat your name? "
I was really amazed that you would know my name, otherwise he would have asked me again, he would simply avoid calling in any case I told him again and seemed to have grasped more or less.
"But I am Alejandra, nice to meet you" and so saying he put his hand on what I had the port, the seized, brought it up to my chin and leaned his lips barely touching her, as I had become accustomed to do after five days of continual courting the girls turn.
Her skin was smooth and scented with a fragrance sought, perhaps a bouquet of roses, but a very particular smell, which on most of the girls I had seen here in Malta a few days earlier would have been excessive, but to her it seemed damn right.
"I am Italian, Where are you from?" I asked, genuinely curious about this time the particular shape that was before me.
"I'm English."
name, Alejandra, would have let me conclude, but his English was too good to be English, its decision was not influenced by the delicate and heavy dell'accento Mediterranean. He must have studied abroad, or had much practice with English-speaking to have achieved such a result, so I tried to get to the bottom.
"What do you do? Studies?"
He answered all my questions, even those that I had brought, saying "I studied Economics at the University, I am now doing a Masters in Automotive in Cambridge. You?"
"Study of Electronic Engineering, at a university a bit 'less noble della tua... Salerno". Sorrise e si avvicinò passando allo sgabello successivo; ora le nostre ginocchia si toccavano.
Al contatto, i miei occhi caddero verso le gambe e poi risalirono piano, molto piano, verso il suo volto: aveva davvero delle cosce ben modellate, il fianco appena sporgente ed un seno...ma poi mi persi nei suoi occhi.
Riprendemmo la nostra conversazione dopo una infinità di tempo riempita dal vuoto del silenzio, ma sapevo bene che dovevano essere passati pochi secondi, due, massimo tre.
I due piatti di San Giorgio ci guardavano ammiccanti, con dei riflessi verdognoli dovuti alle luci del locale.
"Come mai hai scelto un pub? Voglio dire... c'è tanto trambusto, tanti posti per ballare, tante ragazze easy and an Italian boy ends up in a desolate pub? "
struck me by surprise because I did not expect such a request, and because, it seems the cliches about Italians are quite common: we are animals in the disco their lives they are only chasing girls are easy. What a beautiful picture! After a moment, and sogghignai said.
"I'm not really a disco maniac ... but I think I have you mentioned earlier that I was not that great right these days. "
" Yes, of course ... seen. Do you have terrible dark circles. But otherwise we'd go? I mean, I mean that's why you came to St. Julians, certainly not for the sun and the sea! "
Still tried to stretch a smile on my face, but looked too tired. In any event, even knew of this cliche, this time of feminist cliche ("men only think of one), but I could not in any way contradict it, since that was one reason, and his face gave me security and I did not want to lie, and then the flat armed with a lance of St. George, over there, seemed to threaten me - mind and you will like the dragon skewered cowardly traitor! -
What amused me deeply. After less than half a pint I was intimidated by a porcelain plate!
Wait ... A dish? But there were two ... no, three! And no one had taken off from there, otherwise I would have noticed. I answered hastily
saying, "Sisi, of course, that's why we're here, you're right." then added, "I'm sorry if I ask you this, but ... the dishes there, when you came, there were three?"
laughed gently, putting her thin fingers to his mouth and pulling her head back slightly. The colors of the spirit of the bar is suddenly flattened out and disappeared the last dish of St. George, the first light was warm and cozy also became piatta.Piatto.Piatta.Piatt
"Antibiotic expired?" I asked with little hope. As if a hallucination would then give sensible answers to my questions.
"No, none of this. It 's just a person that you are well prepared."
"Ok. Abducted by aliens?". At that time you painted a disgusting image in my mind: Alejandra (who still had the sense to call it by name? It was not the girl who made me believe that ...) who was smiling and his skin was suddenly eroded, leaving a creature appear gray, vaguely anthropomorphic ... Rise
still taste "No, no." Now, almost sobbing with laughter and a tear in his left eye also appeared, which slowly slid on his face, taking away the trick.
I realized, quite casually, he still had beer in his hand.
"Ok, beauty ... oh well, whatever you are ... I'd say something about Berci."
fly, teleport short, get to that surreal place, I was invigorated, I noticed the transformation that had the tone of my voice, my thoughts, my way of speaking. It was a bit 'that I did not feel so well and my answers are proof: Do not look more like an ailing octogenarian who drank his last sip, but I was almost a twenty year old again, and I almost started please me in the situation where I had found. When the beautiful
appear to me that it was stopped laughing he said earnestly, "Here is finally here. I could not see more in those conditions."
'It is true, I could not not even me, and I think I owe you thanks Aleja ... ok, I will continue to call Alejandra. " I smiled and this time I must not seem like a bad imitation of myself, because I felt his lips curve exactly as they should, at which point I decided that what I did was a pretty convincing smile and I reported the lips in place.
"All right, call Alejandra. On the other hand, that's how I presented myself."
"Now that I have almost regained the ability of sound mind, would you tell me what are you? "
This time she was smiling.
still had not seen his face open in a smile, and it upset me, I had never seen anything like it in terms of beauty and intensity ... it was a weapon, something powerful and relentless, something which would never have survived under normal conditions, something "I'm an angel" so ... "eh?" WHAT? "I do not think saying it out loud, even to be honest I was not even certain that he had spoken until then (if it was truly an angel, the level of conversation was the sensory level?). In any case, my face had leaked and Alejandra, without much surprise, said
"Yes, I'm an angel, in particular, a guardian angel. "
" Right. That was what I was missing ... overall I am a person susceptible to these things, right? That is, I mean ... after playing cards with God, do not want to meet your guardian angel? "
smiled again, but this time with a human expression, all too human, as if to say 'you have not yet figured out, eh?.' But it was just a feeling of a moment ... also because I knew all too well: I was speaking with my guardian angel and he was also a very nice girl. I was probably misinterpreted his smile, or maybe I tried to use the parameters for a human expression that is not human was.
"Suppose I'm believing in what you say. You might also want to know where are we? "Obviously
expected this question and replied immediately, without thinking.
" We are in a place not well localized in your usual reality. Let's say we went to a different energy level, where you too are material, but you made the other, before you ask me I tell you now that your physical body is actually missing from the pub where we were, in a time when everyone was standing behind me. So you're here with me in this parallel reality. "
" Ok ... Let's see if I understand ... I left home sober, a little 'tired and with the aftermath of a bad sore throat, I walked into a pub where I started drinking a beer. Here comes the guardian angel, a beer with me and transports me into a reality more 'subtle' than that in which I am accustomed to living and entertaining a lively conversation. It all makes little sense, no? "I mentioned a laugh, then," My question is: why? "
Alejandra frowned a bit 'in your face, but her eyes were still bright and blacks squirted a vitality for me unprecedented then I replied.
"Why you should know. I already told you that you're a person predisposed to this type of experience, but not enough preparation, it takes the will: what you wanted? "What?"
I stood still for a moment to look at it. It was really beautiful. I decided that I would not wasted my only chance to talk to a guardian angel trying to figure out what I was doing there ... I finished my beer and began to ask some questions.
"Ok. I do not care right now. ... But I wanted to tell you how it works with you angels?" That is who is responsible? Who you need to realize if you make some bullshit? "
He also made her a long swig of beer, regained a semblance of a smile, and gathered for a moment in thought, appeared a tiny wrinkle on his forehead and then I replied.
"I do not know exactly what they are authorized to tell you ..."
"Daaaai ... I spoke to God, if you were to blame, tell him to venirsela to take with me."
"If you put it like that ... it means that I'll explain how it works, hoping the boss does not you mad too.
For every human being who is born is given a guardian angel, it is generally the complement of its preserved, that is if the child is male, the angel is female, if the child is an angel is dark blond hair, if the child the angel's light complexion dark skin, and so on ... Then it happens, even quite often, that we can not assign an additional child, as my colleagues have all those features you want already in service, and then it is assigned one at random. In these cases we accepted 90 Angels volunteers and each is given a number, then the lucky owner of the sign with the first extract the wheel of Milan latest edition of the plot, is given the task of protecting the baby ... "
" Wait ... I'm lost ... that is, I mean ... Why Milan?
"Ah, this is a strange story. I'm an angel quite young, so do not yet exist at the time, but tell me who originally used the wheel of Naples. However, San Gennaro was used to stack the sweepstakes when he had to 'give the place' to one of his favorite angels. When they came out telepathic eavesdropping to what happened there was an uproar in heaven, and the most angry was because St. Nicholas was going to ask one of these Favoretto Gennaro, for one of his favorite angels. In the end, it was decided almost unanimously that the management of lotteries would be entrusted to the placid St. Ambrose of Milan, which is working quite well. "
" Excuse me, but ... how does it work abroad? And then before he invented the plot as it was? "
Alejandra smiled again, this time really enjoyed it.
" You have a new arena in your view of material reality. Of course we use the batch trans-terrestrial, one of this size, and that there is almost always international, seeking to disengage from your conception of existence: there is only the plane of atoms and molecules, but there is something more, something pure energy. Think of Einstein's E = mc ^ 2; matter is energy ... Anyway, where was I? Ah, when assigned to the angel. In addition to the custodian, at birth there is assigned a serial number, which was also our human for this cycle. "
started." A freshman? We assign a freshman? "
" Of course! It is not as bad as it seems ... is the only way to deal with the angels. For each block of serial numbers is associated with an angel supervisor, who shall convene a regular meeting to which all must participate, except in special situations such as serious illness of the caretaker, or other hazards, such as athletic competitions, driving on dangerous roads, et cetera. Apart from these exceptional cases, where it is at the discretion Angel of the individual to decide whether to participate in the meetings is mandatory for all others. "
Now I was really curious ... I was starting to see the angelic hosts as a flat corporate structure (typical of the eighties), with a shallow and a large number of people managed by a single manager.
Risi earnestly, and it was evident that I was laughing my old beliefs, not what he was saying Alejandra, then tried to get to the bottom.
"And what they speak of regular meetings ? And then ... continues as the Hierarchy? "
" Uhm ... what about you ... of this and that. In short, the angel supervisor sets of agendas which obviously vary, but generally speaking management methods of secure, if and when to intervene, if and when known, we are exposed to the new guidelines of the Magisterium of the conduct that must be avoided by our human and so on. But you end up fighting on time, sometimes it even comes to blows, because there are a mob led by the Angel Lucifer, who think the opposite way to the guidelines and in a manner very different from us, we tend to softer ' Teaching high, but serious angels. In short, they think they can do things themselves, but do not talk about it, please, otherwise I just get angry. "
He finished his beer and looked at the bottom of the glass. We both need to fill it. He moved his lips slightly, almost with a sigh, I heard a slight rustle, and suddenly, on the counter, is materialized other two pint glasses, filled to the brim, with a very fragrant and full-bodied beer.
"This blessed are those monks in an abbey, here in Belgium. Can we get some free cash when needed, with a few appearances and some small Favoretto to those great guys. Do not drink too fast, and enjoy it, that it's worth !
I lifted the cup and started the ritual of toasts with perfect sync.
"In Malta and malt!"
Beer Belgian monks had a really sensational taste, but it was very viscous, dense, and then went drinking a sip at a time to avoid being disgusted. Alejandra
put the glass on the counter after a few sips long enough and began to speak.
"However, I have not answered all your questions. Let us return to the hierarchy, right? Above all the chief angels are some important organs, first of all the High Magisterium laying down rules that must be complied with and made by a committee chaired by saints and blessed by Moses. Then there is the Behavioral Court considers that the way to make us all custodians, presided over by himself, it assesses the possible infringements of the rules of the Magisterium and impose the penalties in a very short time, it does not take more than eight years to finish a process ... "
" Eight years? And you seem to be few? "
" What are eight years in the face of eternity? "Smiled to compassionate, then added," I hope you can understand that we are no longer in your world, before the end of our conversation ... In any case, when sanctions are imposed must be respected, and this task is handled by the Supervisory Body: This is nothing but a huge instrument of vertical perforated pipes with a keyboard attached, formerly owned by Santa supervision. The official organ, currently San Vittore, has a very delicate task: to press the right combination of keys coded to 128 bits, indicating the serial number of the angel deserter and his years of imprisonment, will be released from the barrel of a sequence of sounds, closely followed by a whirlwind that will suck the condemned man in prison and entrusted his papers to the watchful care of the holy attendant. Before you ask me ... the area of \u200b\u200bimprisonment is a bar full of beer without air conditioning and any soft drink, alcohol or spirits you can imagine, a very kind waitress comes to take your order, brings you what you requested in a beautiful glass tumbler, with different shape and thickness depending on what you ordered, it rests on the table close enough to smell you and then asks you for an identity card. This is because the bar of Paradise are extremely exclusive there is a need to certify that you are an angel to be served. Of course, the angel ordered the documents were delivered to San Vittore, and then he can not show the piece of paper that would allow him to drink, forcing the maid to take away what you have so kindly taken previously, and it goes on like minutes , hours, days, years or even centuries, depending on the sentence that was imposed on you. "
" The situation is starting to become confused, let me explain better? That is, you're telling me that there are angels who fail in their duty? Indeed, there are so many angels unable to perform their duties that it was necessary to establish a court judge them and a Supervisory Body? "
I was really overwhelmed with astonishment ... the idea that I had just outdoor Alejandra worried me, because if they were not first able to observe the rules, not those of the Magisterium iron but those which required their shared thinking, how could they claim that we human beings we succeed?
grabbed his glass with his left hand, and as if she carried it to his mouth, he did collide with mine, and the two glasses tinkled and 'tic' bouncing in the air did not help to clear up my ideas. Maybe we could a bit 'of that wonderful beverage.
We had both a shot long enough, perhaps too long for that type of beer, after of my angelic friend began to speak.
"The fact is ... the fact is that ... well, you know the first thing we must do our guardian angels. We must keep watch day and night over you, there are no distractions allowed, because human beings, I sorry to say, are the most powerful and fragile beings who are on Earth. Some of you may destroy the world with only one finger if they wanted, and others can not help but destroy themselves. Especially you young, you have no idea it costs us to see angels die and having to meet, participate in his arms and carry on, so ... so ... cruel! As in a dramatic novel successful, we have just enough time to become attached to you and 'pam!' make some bullshit ... "
The sentences were disjointed, is cut off, had no logical sense, they were full of cries and sobs, in short, my guardian angel was having a nervous breakdown and started crying. Perhaps for the first time in my life I had to take care of her, I her, I would have to avoid sinking into a deep despair, and it frightened me first, but it stimulated the other.
"Come on, is not so terrible. .. Then when I'm alive, right? Or at least I think ... And do not bullshit: I drink a little if I drive, I take my time needed to recover the condition, I try to never go beyond the limits, I have a healthy diet and speak with my guardian angel. Better than that? "
handed her a tissue and she wiped the tear that had begun to rigarle face.
" Yeah, talk to your guardian angel ... "The air began to vibrate
an old song, an old Irish ballad, Alejandra and invited to dance. The world in which I was with my mood was altered by stress and mental well-defined, and in that moment I felt there was need music ... my morale had provided to choose the gender.
He hugged me tight with his hands in mine and carried at shoulder height, then began to sway slightly, and resumed our conversation, whispering, not ruin the moment.
"You who know me well ... you can give me some advice to find the right girl?" smiles of course the idea that my guardian angel could answer a question like that, but obviously not familiar with my guardian angel.
"Dynamics dominant, my dear. There is always a sequence of moves that leads to the best result, you just define what is the best result. The best result is to be with the prettiest girl or do the best result is to obtain the most beautiful girl who is able to make your equilibrium stable? If the second hypothesis is the one that interests you, then simply have it all wrong so far. "
"You're starting to become cryptic. "I said angrily.
" Follow me: are you two friends, three girls enter into a bar, one of which is wonderful, the others are nice but not especially beautiful. If we both try the beautiful girl, she will have a profound pleasure due to the courtship, and for that reason you will feel able to say no, so we try the other two, but since no one likes to be a replacement, not you will have no result. John Nash, Nobel Prize for economics, will tell you that you have to choose the sequence of moves right, the one that leads to lower loss, or if you want, at the best overall result. "
" I think I have grasped: if we try to directly the two girls are not particularly beautiful, very likely we will say yes, and both we and them, we have reached our goal, or find a partner for the evening. As for the beautiful girl will be the only one to leave unhappy. Right? "
" absolutely right. So you have to do is look for the girl who seeks you. But not as you intended Aniello, but as a counterweight to balance. "
I thought I understood, even vaguely, what she wanted to tell me. He probably had fully grasped the situation he understood what I needed-in fact it was the my guardian angel and I knew better than anyone else in the world, maybe even better than myself.
"But then you have been for twenty years on me? A look at me while I slept, while I screamed, and danced, while ... while doing everything? What would happen if you were away? "
I felt her body being traversed by a shudder and then, after a moment, stiffen, like a feeling of fear, pure terror.
" If I had moved away, I doubt that would now be dancing here, probably we would meet without wearing any size at a higher level, we groped our guardians to shield from these hazards, console you when the inevitable occurs and advise him to desist when you're going to be a result. I do not know how you would you have acted, but I know that many should be kept drifting without us, would not know how to defend themselves from the snares. It often happens, unfortunately. "
Just as the last words, as to exemplify what he was trying to communicate, within one other person in our 'pub', I decided it had to be another angel, because I thought hard for a human being her own free will succeed in rising to different energy levels.
The pointed chin and Alejandra explained to me that it was Robert, the guardian angel of a French girl, who tended to behave well, even in cases quite delicate. He took a glass plenty of vodka absolute. Then he took another and another. sway on his stool, then took the bottle and began cullarsela in her lap as would a nurse with a boy.
Alejandra had left my hands and had approached the counter of the pub.
"What happens to you, Robert?"
He looked uncertain, with the look of one who seems to have happened in a place for the event and blissfully unaware of what is happening, then could barely hold a burp that was lost in a puff of air from the mouth.
"It's Marie ... did not listen and bought with her friends one tablet of that stuff ... my mother, traveling candy were not even in the club at the corner."
"But he ingested?"
shook his head.
was in a dire state. Felt to be a failure, because its only purpose, to act as a conscience and guardian for a girl that night had fallen to pieces before his eyes.
"Alejandra, you know ... do not take it anymore. I decline."
My guardian angel was seized with a sudden thrill, and her face was dyed with dismay. I did not understand.
"What do you mean?"
"It means he does not want to be an angel, wants to become a mere mortal, exhaust its life cycle to lower energies and then go up once and for all at the highest energies and potentially can do it .... In fact for us angels the lives of these states denser human ends after several cycles, and after many, too much pain because of you. Then simply make application for retirement and, if it is accepted, we are at any moment in what you call heaven along with all the saints and all who have and those who preceded you. But there is a faster way to do it. E 'possible to ask very top institutions of us fall on the ground, sleeping, eating, making love, feel the heat and cold, feeling pain ... all things that we do not have, and in addition there is the undoubted advantage of not having to wait before going there. "
" Then why do not you do it? "
" Why can not angels be created from nothing, of course. There are laws to be observed, and decay are limited and we must have a motivation to overcome the serious and very restrictive test, for which many of us are preparing for years and years. Are eighty questions in total. Thirty-three general education, twenty-one of theology, philosophy and thirteen of thirteen life-death-and-miracles of the saints. Some manage to find a 'more serious motivation of the other' that is an understatement to say that they can recommend themselves or make strange tricks. Last year I did a supervisor at one of these competitions and I saw angels who had the right answers already marked on the paper, which was changed to other code associated with their name, and some of the notes which came with my colleagues. .. In short, if you have no help from above you must be prepared and motivated to be able to return in the first place on the list. "
While listening dreamily as Alejandra had to tell me, I suddenly felt hard and heavy as a boulder, and as such it sank into a deep swirling around me, I saw lives, worlds, universes that I quickly ran next I felt worse physically. I realized suddenly that I was coming back to me most was its size. But why?
I paused for a moment to reflect. If Robert was there to drink, it means that it was not to protect his guards, which, moreover, was in a very dangerous situation.
My trip made sense! Perhaps there is an unexplained mechanism behind everything that tries to protect himself, seeks to ensure that all things are as they should go even if there is any hiccup trying to deviarle.
Marie should not have died, or at least should not die that night even though he had betrayed his angel.
I went to the disco-bar on the corner and entered the main square, not without grumbling against myself. The air conditioning at
suddenly hit me like a blow to the head and staggered dangerously like a drunk, but I avoided falling, leaning against the wall and walked to the girls not very bright and not very dressed up were the sides of the aisle. I was returning a headache and in that small and stuffy with the sudden light blinded you that I was deaf die ... everything began to be made of jelly and I seemed to see the world through a fish tank. "We're just two lost souls swimmin 'in a fish bowl ..." I had the idea to provide for this Pink Floyd, at odds with the general atmosphere, but I gave it back for a moment the smile and the strength to stand up, then the individuai.
was not a particularly pretty girl, though her face was graceful and eye-catching red dress with blue ribbon on the waist might give particular. 'What a strange way of dressing the French people' was the last thing I thought.
I approached her and began to dance drifting like a madman, I put a hand on her hip and tried to say something without thinking, but the effect was apparently disastrous, and perhaps the burden I had been placed on my shoulders was too heavy for me and I would never be able to handle it, yes, it was true, I was not sure of Atlas, and so, again without thinking, I fell on him.
The mechanism tends to preserve itself. Not the best choice for you, but the best one for you and for all. Dominant dynamics. The burden was too heavy. It was not particularly pretty, but all in all, yes, it was a good girl.
I had dragged out, because, fortunately, I had lost all knowledge and therefore a bit 'I walked. Antibiotics, alcohol, and stuffy air conditioning was not the right ingredients to make a great cocktail.
"Extasy?" he asked.
I was going to say no, then suddenly I began to think and so I said "Yes, I took the ecstasy ... I think I went too well."
Marie had never seen anyone that went wrong was a pill of ecstasy, and so my illness was credible, then he confessed that he had thought it was stupid to buy that stuff, but one can not always go for the usual bigoted? So he yielded to her friends and had decided to take those pills ... in the end they were also funny: in one was engraved with a beautiful smiling face and the other a pig. But now, see a boy so badly and think it would be could be worse, terrified.
took a pill and a yellow rose from his pocket and threw it away and sat down beside me on the sidewalk. The two young officers looked at us without Pulizija of interest with the air of one who has seen dozens of times a scene like that and do not want to interfere, because he knows that it can not be constructive.
That journey, or rather that trip, I had had, had to have a very specific meaning. How
kept that song by Pink Floyd? "... Year after year, running over the Same Old ground.What Have We Found? The Same Old Fears!" What I found in that dream or whatever it was, if not the same old fears? This is not what characterizes the human race? Be able to find within ourselves the usual fears that bring us back to reality: the fear of the dark, but also the fear of fire illuminating the night, fear of dying, but the fucking fear of living. So, for decades, centuries, millennia, we went forward. We survived because our primordial instinct brought us to remind us of our fears and because, as the pigeons when they divide the crumbs of bread are not inclined to do the best for ourselves, but the best for ourselves and others.
And because our mechanism must somehow feed itself, to continue to live.
The girl did not particularly beautiful that I had even forgotten the name was watching me curiously, but I saw her far away, across the river in the middle of my thoughts and incoesi inconsistent, until he lit a cigarette, I saw with clarity as he made a throw and then threw it away in disgust. I do not know why, I do not know what had happened, I do not know if Robert had returned to the base or was still rocking her bottle of vodka, but what you smoke so much I crossed by a sudden chill. Then he sighed and said, "We are the guardian angels of ourselves, here's the truth ..."
Maybe, we are nothing but the guardian angels of ourselves, why not?
is missing the last part of my reasoning.
The life and death, the transition to higher energy states, fear, joy, pain, heat, madness, are all part of a huge mechanism, and there is no Great Watchmaker who designed it and fixes it when it falls apart. The mechanism is created by us and we who must keep it in order, whatever the cost, if you do not want to shut down. No matter what you believe in God or not does not matter whether you are convinced that there is a reality beyond our own or not. What matters is that you never cease to live your life as a human being, enjoying the moments of joy and pain of those cursing, doing as everyone, as always, because if there is another life will be lived in a time of come. Probably the angels do not exist, nor is there the lottery of a peaceful Sant Ambrogio, imagine if there is a Supervisory Body! Ma .. but "every time someone in the world says 'I do not believe in fairies' a fairy falls down dead." Here is what is the truth.
The whispered "thank you" and kissed her. He resisted for a moment, then opened her lips slightly soft to allow my kiss. A moment later he pulled me back and said "Thank you".
This time she was kissing me and the time lost its consistency.
- THE END - (as in an old movie for the FOX "would Guccini)
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