Every so often a few steps and go, sometimes a few steps, stop, and go. Many people give a name of a woman, and there must be a reason. Ike was a man: 6'8'', 150 pounds of muscle, hit back with two hands. Situation.
No, not at all. Ike was male, and if it was already one exception, an exception is also what he did in Texas. What they say, a hurricane like this, they had not ever seen. Here, 400 km from the coast, there People with pine trees in the garden. So what? Eh, I'm lying. I guess and just imagine what he did in previous 4oo km. Fecendo a tour of the neighborhood, we realize that for two days if you have not had the light and you are bored to death, but there are people who likes to cut with the saw the uprooted tree that is found in the garden. And so he would be bored to death like you, walk and look at him with idiot face while you're thinking: "Urcaaa. Do you realize that being a tourist in turn seems to have never seen a person who cuts a pile of branches with a chainsaw, but you also realize that it is perhaps not the right day to watch it with that face. Quell'attrezzo special interests in his hand. So you twist and turn Go. Better that way.
And Ike, in his own way, goes like this: he turns and walks away.
Sunday evening (the day after the storm): Cleveland @ Pittsburgh NFL game. What does? Factor. Everything seems normal: people in the stands went crazy, the players if the damage of holy right ... ... This is the shirt of the arbitrators. That which is not tight like the notes divided by football, inflates type of spinnaker Luna Rossa. Poor Dick Bavetta eighty football besides being soaked, hard to be there, and it shows. So much so that ESPN, impietositasi, please send an overlay with a figure: 25. MPH the conversion you have it, Ike came to Cleveland, Ohio, which is not there. Perhaps those who say such a thing in Texas had not ever seen has a point.
Oh, and in addition to screw up everything in its path, Ike also upsets a weekend in San Antonio, one of his first stops on the trip to Cleveland. 3 days in the city dell'Alamo letteralente thrown to the wind especially when you see Andy, friend of the family German exchange student in Texas 10 years ago, a drop of rain there that would gladly welcome. And instead? Temperature never below 30 degrees.
They say that in the future can deflect hurricanes, why do not happen again an episode like that of Katrina. Meanwhile, the hurricane is diverted by themselves, and 50 inches of rain expected in San Antonio if he takes the law of East Texas, including Longview. Episode to be attached strictly to laugh.
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