Saturday, November 8, 2008

Minidv Vcrs Teacher's Favorite

The Mavericks and the Maverick, two different stories.

November 4, 2008

"Hey James."

are now past the 10, rather than the school, as the daily double training session, you hear. We are more or less time to fall asleep in fact.

That name, pronounced for the umpteenth time with family quell'ormai American accent, has something more strange tonight.

"Come here, look at this."

I had left the Spurs to four minutes from the end of the 4th quarter against the Mavericks under sixteen, that night seemed to have been blessed by the most important gods of basketball. But Dirk was not amazing in the evening, 30 in 37 minutes. I had almost believed it, I do not know what logical support, but I must admit that I almost believed it. Maybe Gregg, even though the new style less admiral and more man lived (see unshaven for several weeks now) offered support for that view, but still remained on earth and therefore impractical, given the divine presence that night had dropped the AT & T Center.

So very reluctantly I head towards the tv, which I feel to get a noise of people yelling. As if the Spurs had miraculously reassembled. Yes, this time I'm almost convinced. The screen shines a white number on a blue background, which more or less takes up the whole picture: 284. Frankly, too, even if there were the old Suns, let alone the team Popovic.

"Look, this is Chicago, he's gonna talk in a minute! "

On a stage surrounded by thousands of people is the one. Downtown Chicago is the backdrop to the new president of the United States. 284 are" seats "(translation by" electoral votes "I escapes) and Barack Obama, at 10:20 on the time of the Windy City, has just earned. 270 they needed for victory. From then on, though staying with the popular vote in the balance, will be a massacre: 365 to 162. But now no one cared even more. The first African-American man was elected President a few minutes from the United States. stuff is incredible. No fact, no one believed it. Those who had voted for the man from Chicago was pretty sure that the 'America is not ready for everything, while supporters of the Maverick (looking at you, coincidences) against the unbelievers banging the remote control television, convinced that this, more than many other things, will bring more harm than good. Some people then resigned, saying instead that (exact words) if our president is black, we can not do anything, we just have to accept the harsh reality. So that this is frightening, but even though English still limps sometimes, the sense of those words, I fully understood. And I question the need explanation.

Apart from that, I think this episode in some little book / almanac in one way or another is bound to finirci. And being there with someone who in the end we had hoped, but in his heart he did not want to put too much hands on, is one of those things that you reconcile. With the world, with America. If then the next morning, Professor of law, husband and son in the military, Texan to the bone and apparently convinced Republican, says that in eight years the friend of the maverick has done "more damage by hail" and therefore the cronies do not deserve another 4 years in DC, then I will reconcile with everyone else. All the other poor (excuse the rant) fools who believe that the color is worth more than all the rest. And then blue (the color of democratic ed) is, and it's always darkest, almost black, if anyone is inclined to create an analogy. To all the other poor fools who have the history under the eyes, and he does not want accountability. Thanks but all of America that the Democratic or Republican, who realizes that maybe since November 4, 2008 something has changed, beyond ideology and politics, something that has evolved, has improved. Thanks for letting me touch the story.

who deserves special mention if then, according to ocean reserves the right (and how not to expect) various amenities on the new service, "taking the trouble and of course the taste" to pass by idiots sixty million people. Oh well, there is the little one in the great, he thought someone with her while ... Perhaps it will be. As the writer think more or less known.



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